Project Directory
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Load-Generation Control Performance Standards (NERC BAL-001 and BAL-002) The purpose of BAL-001(-1) (Real Power Balancing Control Performance) is to maintain Interconnection steady-state frequency within defined limits by balancing real power demand and supply in real time. The purpose of BAL-002(-1) (Disturbance Control Performance) is to ensure the Balancing Authority is able to utilize its Contingency Reserve to balance resources and demand and return Interconnection frequency within defined limits following a Reportable Disturbance. |
Martinez, Carlos |
Load as a Resource Technical Assistance This project provided technical assistance to ISO-NE on design and implementation of a Demand Response Reserves Pilot project, to NYISO on aspects of the real-time pricing programs operated by the utilities in the state, and to PJM’s demand response staff and system operators to facilitate the implementation of new market rules to enable customer loads to directly provide spinning reserve and regulation services. |
Goldman, Charles |
Load as a Resource Scoping Studies CERTS assembled an interdisciplinary team to assess the research needs associated with a range of topics related to the use of load (or demand response) as a system reliability resource, mainly to provide ancillary services. |
Eto, Joe |
Interconnection Frequency Response Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) is pleased to announce the release of a new report: Frequency Control Requirements for Reliable Interconnection Frequency Response. |
Eto, Joe |
Interactions of Environmental Policies in a Transmission-constrained Competitive Electric Market This project was designed to address several emerging issues for the Western US and the context of the WECC: (1) Will multiple concurrent market-based policies necessarily benefit renewable producers at the expense of consumers and coal-based producers? (2) What is the relationship among prices of electric energy, emissions permits, and renewable energy credits (RECs)? (3) Will multiple concurrent market-based policies grant a greater magnitude of incentive for companies to manipulate markets in their favor (i.e., market power)? |
Oren, Shmuel |
Intelligent Alarms Tool: Disturbance Alarm, Response, and Analysis (DARA) The NERC-IA real-time tool is an automatic, integrated process to identify abnormal interconnections load-generation unbalances, and broadcast intelligent alarm descriptions together, possible root-causes, and recommend preventive actions to Reliability Coordinators, Operations Management, and Regulators. |
Martinez, Carlos |
Integration of Variable Renewable Generation FERC staff commissioned LBNL to study how a critical aspect of reliability—the control of power system frequency during the period immediately following the sudden loss of a large conventional power plant—can be better measured to assess the adequacy of frequency control in the interconnections currently and be used to manage the reliable integration of new resources, including variable renewable generation. |
Integrated Security Analysis This project was designed to investigate alternative frameworks for the integration of these tools into a comprehensive package that can be more responsive to changing conditions and simultaneous transactions. These frameworks aimed build on the availability of raw data from existing security tools both static and dynamic. |
Sauer, Pete |
Information Management for Grid Control This research focused on control issues associated with the bulk power system—initially control-area management and transmission reliability. This project aimed to develop an information flow model for interchange schedules and real-time grid operating data, and to develop a description of the concepts and relationships that can exist in an agent community for information management. |
Smathers, Douglas C. |
Improved Oscillation Detection for Alarming and Daily Summary Reports This project is enhancing a spectral coherence algorithm to improve the detection of persistent oscillations in the power system in a manner that will provide better information on the characteristics of these oscillations to the end user. This phase of work will refine the approach by investigating new algorithms for the oscillation detection within the DISAT framework, as well as further investigating the use of the statistical quantities to aid in alarming. |
Tuffner, Frank |
Grid Reliability Metrics The project builds upon earlier work to assess current available metrics, perform a comparative assessment of data on metrics used by different Independent System Operators (ISOs) and regions, identify gaps in available metrics, define metrics needed to address all elements of the grid and markets, validate the metrics with industry stakeholders, develop prototypes using CERTS technology platform for performance monitoring, field test, implement and perform periodic comparative assessments. |
Dyer, Jim |
Grid Performance Metrics (GPM) Real-Time Monitoring Tool The MISO-GPM tool was research, prototype and is being field tested at MISO. GPM estimates Grid’s voltage, stability, and thermal performance metrics using model-less algorithms and MISO grid phasor data within MISO phasor infrastructure. Grid performance metrics are presented to MISO Operations in real time geo-graphic multi-view displays and in an automatic deliverable daily reliability performance report. |
Martinez, Carlos |
GPS Issue Management The purpose of this work was to develop a plan to explore the implications of issues on electricity systems infrastructure caused by dependence on Earth-based and Space-based Timekeeping and Navigation (ESTN) systems. |
Buckner, Mark |
Geographic, Multi-View Visualizations: Research and Prototypes Developing and improving geographic visualization prototypes being in the CERTS portfolio of wide-area monitoring tools for visualizing key reliability performance metrics. These visualization prototypes identified and defined the architecture and processes for producing geographic multi-view displays for improving situational awareness and monitoring. |
Martinez, Carlos |
Frequency Responsive Load Assessment This project was designed to study the effects of control algorithms and frequency measurement error on electric system behavior. |
Snyder, Isabelle |
Frequency Responsive Demand This project is exploring methods by which loads can be aggregated into a grid-friendly network of actively configured, autonomous responses to self-sense frequency and voltage fluctuations, and provide a full range of ancillary services—including virtual inertia, regulation, ramping, spinning reserve, and emergency curtailment capabilities. |
Kalsi, Karan |
Frequency Response Standard NERC BAL-003-1 (Frequency Response Standard) has two main objectives: To require sufficient Frequency Response from the Balancing Authority (BA) to maintain Interconnection Frequency within predefined bounds by arresting frequency deviations and supporting frequency until the frequency is restored to its scheduled value; and to provide consistent methods for measuring Frequency Response and determining the Frequency Bias Setting. |
Martinez, Carlos |
Frequency Response Analysis Tool This tool uses PMU measurements recorded during system disturbances to automate the calculation of power system frequency response. It has been developed to facilitate standardized analysis and reporting of frequency response following the requirements articulated in new NERC standards. The tool has been released under an open source license, and is available here. |
Etingov, Pavel |
Frequency Monitoring and Analysis (FMA) Tool The NERC-FMA real-time tool has the capability for automatically collect interconnections 1-second frequency phasor data together with 10-second and 1-minute interconnections SCADA ACE data to calculate, estimate statistics, display, and report the interconnections frequency behavior for allowing NERC Resources Subcommittee during their quarterly meetings and Operations Management to analyze, assess and track each interconnection frequency performance and define and recommend corrective measures if necessary. |
Martinez, Carlos |
Frequency event monitoring for all three interconnections LBNL coordinated activities of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), which was funded via a subcontract from PNNL, to implement a system that records and sends in real time automated notifications to NERC on frequency events occurring in all three U.S. interconnections. The frequency event monitoring system, called FNet, is based on low-cost frequency monitoring devices that are connected via wall plugs from a broad network of locations spread across each of the three interconnections. |
Liu, Yilu |
Framework for Assessing the Impact of Coordinated Aggregation of DER on Bulk Power System Performance The overall objective of this project is to develop a framework to assess the impact on bulk power system performance of distributed energy resources (DERs) when coordinated (via an aggregator) to provide ancillary services (e.g., frequency regulation). Of special interest is understanding the potential negative effects of failures in channels utilized by the aggregator to exchange information with the individual DERs and the hardware used to implement the DER local control. |
Domínguez-García, Alejandro |
FIDVR Meetings and Workshops In 2007, the utility industry approached DOE to discuss growing concerns they had regarding the potential impacts of FIDVR on grid reliability. DOE has co-sponsored three national workshops (in 2008, 2009, and 2015) with NERC to vet the topic with both the utility and air-conditioner manufacturing industries. These workshops are the precursor to the current DOE research initiative with industry on FIDVR. |
FIDVR Load Modeling Tool The purpose of this task is to generalize the load model development and calibration methodology developed for WECC to address the FIDVR phenomenon in planning studies. Specifically, residential and commercial building load models must explicitly identify the load composition by electrical characteristics (i.e., static power, impedance, 1 and 3 phase motors, motor torque/speed characteristics, motor inertia, variable speed drive, and motor protection characteristics). |
Etingov, Pavel |
Ex-Ante Modeling, Load Scheduling, and Differentiated Services Models for Populations of Flexible Loads This project is modeling and evaluating the interfaces needed to allow an aggregator (or load serving entity) to harness the flexibility of a large population of appliances in a way that is reliable and economically sustainable. |
Scaglione, Anna |
Evaluation of SCE Load Management System Southern California Edison operates some of the load management programs in the United States. Many of the technologies relied upon by the programs date back to the late 1970’s. This project reviewed and made recommendations to modernize aspects of the program to better meet the needs of the restructured California electric power system. |
Eto, Joe |