FIDVR Load Modeling Tool

Project Status: 

The purpose of this task is to generalize the load model development and calibration methodology developed for WECC to address the FIDVR phenomenon in planning studies.  Specifically, residential and commercial building load models must explicitly identify the load composition by electrical characteristics (i.e., static power, impedance, 1 and 3 phase motors, motor torque/speed characteristics, motor inertia, variable speed drive, and motor protection characteristics).

The need for a common tool to develop and maintain composite load data for use in system studies where FIDVR is a phenomenon of interest is growing.  At the current time it is known that WECC and NPCC are both maintaining and developing separate composite load data sets based on similar but not quite the same methodology. This project will establish a common methodology to be used for both development and maintenance of composite load data nationwide.

To see the Load Model Data Tool (LMDT), click here.