Martinez, Carlos

Related Projects


The FERC-NERC ARR tool was researched, prototyped and developed for FERC for automatically broadcast daily, monthly and yearly summary, or on-demand, reports on interconnections historical load-generation resource adequacy and control performance. ARR provides summaries of key reliability metrics, statistical analysis and trends. ARR also provides the starting point for understanding and analyzing reliability performance of each interconnection, identifies reliability performance trends that require corrective action, and facilitate evaluation for reliability standards adequacy.


The NERC-CFER tool was researched, prototyped and developed for NERC and is part of its Frequency Response standard process. For each interconnection, using phasor and SCADA data, identifies and delivers every month candidate critical frequency events including for each event, its frequency profile and most significant performance parameters. From CFER’s monthly reports NERC reliability subcommittees select the set of events that each Balancing Authority (BA) must use to measure and report its yearly Frequency Response Obligation.


The NERC-FMA real-time tool has the capability for automatically collect interconnections 1-second frequency phasor data together with 10-second and 1-minute interconnections SCADA ACE data to calculate, estimate statistics, display, and report the interconnections frequency behavior for allowing NERC Resources Subcommittee during their quarterly meetings and Operations Management to analyze, assess and track each interconnection frequency performance and define and recommend corrective measures if necessary.


NERC BAL-003-1 (Frequency Response Standard) has two main objectives: To require sufficient Frequency Response from the Balancing Authority (BA) to maintain Interconnection Frequency within predefined bounds by arresting frequency deviations and supporting frequency until the frequency is restored to its scheduled value; and to provide consistent methods for measuring Frequency Response and determining the Frequency Bias Setting.


Developing and improving geographic visualization prototypes being in the CERTS portfolio of wide-area monitoring tools for visualizing key reliability performance metrics. These visualization prototypes identified and defined the architecture and processes for producing geographic multi-view displays for improving situational awareness and monitoring.


The MISO-GPM tool was research, prototype and is being field tested at MISO. GPM estimates Grid’s voltage, stability, and thermal performance metrics using model-less algorithms and MISO grid phasor data within MISO phasor infrastructure. Grid performance metrics are presented to MISO Operations in real time geo-graphic multi-view displays and in an automatic deliverable daily reliability performance report.


The NERC-IA real-time tool is an automatic, integrated process to identify abnormal interconnections load-generation unbalances, and broadcast intelligent alarm descriptions together, possible root-causes, and recommend preventive actions to Reliability Coordinators, Operations Management, and Regulators.


The purpose of BAL-001(-1) (Real Power Balancing Control Performance) is to maintain Interconnection steady-state frequency within defined limits by balancing real power demand and supply in real time. The purpose of BAL-002(-1) (Disturbance Control Performance) is to ensure the Balancing Authority is able to utilize its Contingency Reserve to balance resources and demand and return Interconnection frequency within defined limits following a Reportable Disturbance.


This project research objective is to identify, define and validate thermal, voltage and stability measurement-based performance metrics, and complete development and field testing of a pre-and post-contingency prototype tool. Working with MISO, the last phase of work will complete research, definition, and testing of temporal and zonal grid reliability metrics and indices, and will complete enhancements for the prototype geographic multi-view visualization and automatic reports integrating post-contingency metrics and composite indices.


This project provides research and technical support to the NERC Reliability Standards Drafting Teams (SDT) and Reliability Subcommittees, Resource Subcommittee, and RS-Frequency Working Group to identify and quantify reliability performance issues and trends, and assist in drafting and field testing and deploying reliability standards that improve situational awareness and system reliability. This work aims to provide technology solutions that address critical reliability issues, and improve load-generation control, reserves adequacy, and reliability performance.


LBNL contractors John Undrill, Energy Mark, and Advanced System Research, participated in a variety of technical support activities leading to the revisions to NERC Standard BAL-003. As a result of these efforts the NERC Standard BAL-003 contains for the first time requirements for interconnection frequency response and creates obligations for balancing authorities to maintain minimum levels of frequency response.


The NERC-RA real-time tool enables NERC Reliability Coordinators and Operations Management to monitor and track interconnections load-generations secondary control performance and compliance with related reliability standards. It also allows NERC staff, Operations Subcommittees, and Operations Management to analyze, assess, and identify root causes of critical interconnections frequency events.