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Ancillary Services Markets in California. Berkeley: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 1999. LBNL-43986.
. 1999.
The Federal Role in Electric System R&D During a Time of Industry Transition: An Application of Scenario Analysis. Berkeley: LBNL, 1999. LBNL-45272.
. Grid of the Future White Papers Project Executive Summary. Berkelely: LBNL, 1999. LBNL-45273 .
. Interconnection and Controls for Reliable, Large Scale Integration of Distributed Energy Resources. 1999.
. . . Review of the Structure of Bulk Power Markets. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 1999.
. "Transmission Grid Access and Pricing in Norway, Spain, and California: A Comparative Study." Power Delivery Europe. Madrid, Spain, 1999. 17.
. . "Control of Distributed Resources." Bulk Power System Dynamics and Control IV. Santorini, Greece: International Institute for Research and Education in Power System Dynamics (IREP), 1998.
. "Air conditioner response to transmission faults." IEEE Transactions on Power SystemsIEEE Transactions on Power Systems 12.2 (1997) 614-621.
"Transmission voltage recovery delayed by stalled air conditioner compressors." IEEE Transactions on Power SystemsIEEE Transactions on Power Systems 7.3 (1992) 1173-1181.