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Scoping Study Report on Improving Load and Generator Response Models (Real-Time Grid Reliability Management PIER Final Project Report Appendix G). Berkeley: LBNL, 2008.
. "Spinning Reserve from Hotel Load Response." The Electricity Journal 21.10 (2008) 59 - 66.
. Statistical Analysis of Abnormal Behavior: Project Overview. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, 2008.
. Status of Overseas Microgrid Programs: Microgrid Research Activities in the U.S. (English version). Berkeley: LBNL, 2008. LBNL-56E.
. A "SuperOPF" Framework. 2008.
. . Synchronized Sampling Uses for Real-Time Monitoring and Control: Functional Design for Visualization Tools. Texas Engineering Experiment Station, 2008.
. Synchronized Sampling Uses for Real-Time Monitoring and Control: Implementation Specification for Visualization Tools. Texas Engineering Experiment Station, 2008.
. "Testing the Performance of a Forward Capacity Market with Barriers to Entry." 2008 41st Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Waikoloa, HI, USA: IEEE, 2008. 175 - 175.
. Tracking the Reliability of the U.S. Electric Power System: An Assessment of Publicly Available Information Reported to State Public Utility Commissions. Berkeley: LBNL, 2008. LBNL-1092E.
. "Use multi-dimensional ellipsoid to monitor dynamic behavior of power systems based on PMU measurement." 2008 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting. Pittsburgh, PA, USA: IEEE, 2008. 1 - 8.
. .
"CERTS Microgrid." 2007 IEEE International Conference on System of Systems Engineering. San Antonio, TX, USA: IEEE, 2007. 1 - 5.
. "CERTS Microgrid System Tests." 2007 IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting. Tampa, FL, USA: IEEE, 2007. 1 - 4.
. Demand Response Spinning Reserve Demonstration. Berkeley: LBNL, 2007. LBNL-62761.
. "Economic Criteria for Planning Transmission Investment in Restructured Electricity Markets." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 22.4 (2007) 1394 - 1405.
. Load Monitoring: CEC/LMTF Load Research Program. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, 2007.
. Loads Providing Ancillary Services: Review of International Experience. LBNL, 2007. LBNL-62701.
. . Real Time Grid Reliability Management 2005: PIER Final Project Report. Berkeley: LBNL, 2007. LBNL-62368 .
. . "Reliability Monitoring: The High-Tech Eye in the Sky." Public Utilities Fortnightly 2007. LBNL-62494 .
. "Risk Based Multi-objective Security Control and Congestion Management." Iowa State University, 2007.
. "Risk-Based Security and Economy Tradeoff Analysis for Real-Time Operation." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 22.4 (2007) 2287 - 2288.
. "Autonomous control of microgrids." 2006 IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting. Montreal, Que., Canada: IEEE, 2006. 8 pp.