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Review of the Recent Frequency Performance of the Eastern, Western and ERCOT Interconnections. 2010. LBNL-4144E.
. "Slow Coherency Based Cutset Determination Algorithm for Large Power Systems." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 25.2 (2010) 877 - 884.
. "Smart Transmission Grid Applications and Their Supporting Infrastructure." IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 1.1 (2010) 11 - 19.
. "Statistical Analysis of Abnormal Electric Power Grid Behavior." 2010 43rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Honolulu, Hawaii, USA: IEEE, 2010. 1 - 8.
. "Supplying renewable energy to deferrable loads: Algorithms and economic analysis." IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES) General Meeting. Minneapolis, MN: IEEE, 2010. 1 - 8.
. Use of Frequency Response Metrics to Assess the Planning and Operating Requirements for Reliable Integration of Variable Renewable Generation. 2010. LBNL-4142E.
. "Use of Responsive Load to Supply Ancillary Services in the Smart Grid: Challenges and Approach." 2010 1st IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm). Gaithersburg, MD, USA: IEEE, 2010. 507 - 512.
. . "CERTS Microgrid Laboratory Test Bed." IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 26.1 (2011). LBNL-3553E .
. . . "Clustering of Power System Data and Its Use in Load Pocket Identification." 2011 44th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2011). Kauai, HI: IEEE, 2011. 1 - 10.
. "Comparison of PV inverter controller configurations for CERTS microgrid applications." 2011 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE). Phoenix, AZ, USA: IEEE, 2011. 659 - 666.
. "Computational Needs for the Next Generation Electric Grid Proceedings." 2011: 376. LBNL-5105E.
. "Controlled Islanding Demonstrations on the WECC System." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 26.1 (2011) 334 - 343.
. "Deriving optimal operational rules for mitigating inter-area oscillations." 2011 IEEE/PES Power Systems Conference and Exposition (PSCE). Phoenix, AZ, USA: IEEE, 2011. 1 - 8.
. "Efficient Pricing and Capital Recovery for Infrastructure over Time: Incentives and Applications for Electric Transmission Expansion." 2011 44th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2011). Kauai, HI: IEEE, 2011. 1 - 9.
. "Evaluation of mode estimation accuracy for small-signal stability analysis." 2011 North American Power Symposium (NAPS 2011). Boston, MA, USA: IEEE, 2011. 1 - 7.
. "Event classification and identification based on characteristic ellipsoid of phasor measurement." 2011 North American Power Symposium (NAPS 2011). Boston, MA, USA: IEEE, 2011. 1 - 6.
. "The impact of carbon cap and trade regulation on congested electricity market equilibrium." Journal of Regulatory Economics 40.3 (2011) 237 - 260.
. "The influence of topology changes on inter-area oscillation modes and mode shapes." IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES) General Meeting. Detroit, MI, USA: IEEE, 2011. 1 - 7.
. "Integrating Wind Power: A Potential Role for Controllable Demand." 7th Annual Carnegie-Mellon Conference on the Electricity Industry. Pittsburgh, PA, 2011.
. "Integrating Wind Power: Can Controllable Load Substitute for Transmission Upgrades?." 2011 44th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2011). Kauai, HI: IEEE, 2011. 1 - 9.
. "Integration of Contracted Renewable Energy and Spot Market Supply to Serve Flexible Loads." Proceedings of the 18th IFAC World Congress. . Milan, Italy: IFAC, Elsevier, 2011. 12852 - 12857.
. "Intelligent electric vehicle charging: Rethinking the valley-fill." Journal of Power Sources 196.24 (2011) 10717 - 10726.