Use of Responsive Load to Supply Ancillary Services in the Smart Grid: Challenges and Approach

TitleUse of Responsive Load to Supply Ancillary Services in the Smart Grid: Challenges and Approach
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2010
AuthorsJohn D Kueck, Aaron F Snyder, Fangxing Li, Isabelle B Snyder
Conference Name2010 1st IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm)
Date Published10/2010
Conference LocationGaithersburg, MD, USA
ISBN Number978-1-4244-6510-1
Keywordsancillary services, demand response, Load as a Resource, load management, LR05-001, power system reliability, smart grid

This paper discusses the challenges and approach to using responsive load to supply ancillary services in the smart grid. We discuss the types of demand response and ancillary service they would provide by describing spinning reserve, regulation, etc., along with the needed response time and duration. The benefits of supplying ancillary services from loads instead of generation are covered, along with reduced losses, increased transmission capacity, and increased generation capacity. The paper discusses the concept of using smart meters to help large numbers of small loads provide services, barriers involved such as communication speed and interaction between various communication protocols, and the role of developing communication protocols to address these barriers.
