Integration of Contracted Renewable Energy and Spot Market Supply to Serve Flexible Loads

TitleIntegration of Contracted Renewable Energy and Spot Market Supply to Serve Flexible Loads
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsAnthony Papavasiliou
EditorBittanti Sergio
Tertiary AuthorsBittanti Sergio, Mosca Edoardo
Conference NameProceedings of the 18th IFAC World Congress
Date Published08/2011
PublisherIFAC, Elsevier
Conference LocationMilan, Italy
Keywordselectricity markets, reliability and markets, renewables integration, RM10-001

We present a contract for integrating renewable energy supply and electricity spot markets for serving deferrable electric loads in order to mitigate renewable energy intermittency. The contract which we describe results in a stochastic optimal control problem for minimizing the cost of serving flexible load. We solve the optimal control problem by using a recombinant lattice for modeling renewable power supply and electricity spot price uncertainty. We compare various control policies, and we analyze the sensitivity of our results with respect to various problem parameters.
