CERTS is coordinating technical support for industry-led efforts to better understand the risks that fault-induced delayed voltage recovery (FIDVR) pose to the reliability of the bulk power system.
Frequency response refers to the collective ability of generators (primarily, but loads can also participate) to arrest and reverse sharp declines in interconnection frequency immediately following the unplanned loss of generation.
CERTS researchers have participated in the development of every major DOE study of electricity since 1999, including investigations of major blackouts, assessment of the national transmission grid, and, more recently, triennial national studies of electricity transmission congestion.
This area of research is focused on the analysis and assessment of trends in electric power system reliability, including contributions to the development and use of reliability performance metrics and the cost of power interruptions to customers.
Electricity delivery infrastructure is critical for ensuring reliable electricity service to homes and businesses. Planning and operating this infrastructure is complicated by a variety of technical and institutional factors. This topic of research is focused on the review and analysis of topical issues affecting transmission planning, such as congestion cost measurement practices, transmission benefits that are not or are difficult to capture in traditional cost-benefit analysis, and assessments of the benefits of ISO/RTO formation.