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A Review of Market Monitoring Activities at U.S. Independent System Operators. Berkeley: LBNL, 2004. LBNL-53975.
. A Survey of Utility Experience with Real Time Pricing. Berkeley: LBNL, 2004. LBNL-54238.
. "System Islanding Using Minimal Cutsets with Minimum Net Flow." Power Systems Conference and Exposition. IEEE, 2004. 6.
. Transmission-Planning Research and Development Scoping Project. 2004. LBNL-55487.
. . Understanding the Cost of Power Interruptions to U.S. Electricity Consumers. Berkeley: LBNL, 2004. LBNL-55718.
. "When a Rose Is Not a Rose: A Review of Recent Estimates of Congestion Costs." The Electricity Journal 2004. LBNL-52739.
. "Wide-Area ACE-Frequency Real-Time Monitoring System." 2004: Load-Generation Resources Adequacy Real-Time Monitoring Tool (NERC-RA).
. . . . .
Energy Manager Design for Microgrids. CERTS, 2005.
. Improving Dynamic Load and Generator Response Performance Tools. Berkeley: LBNL, 2005.
. "Market Structure and the Predictability of Electricity System Line Flows: An Experimental Analysis." Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Cornell University, 2005. 9.
. Microturbine Economic Competitiveness: A Study of Two Potential Adopters. Berkeley: LBNL, 2005. LBNL-57985.
. . "Optimal selection of on-site power generation with combined heat and power applications." International Journal of Distributed Energy Resources 1.1 (2005) 33-62.
. "Real-Time Monitoring Tools and Multi-View Visualization for Wide-Area Operations." DistribuTECH Transmission Reliability Panel, San Diego, California 2005.
. A Review of Recent RTO Benefit-Cost Studies: Toward More Comprehensive Assessments of FERC Electricity Restructuring Policies. 2005. LBNL-58027.
. . . 2005. .
"Autonomous control of microgrids." 2006 IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting. Montreal, Que., Canada: IEEE, 2006. 8 pp.
. Control and Design of Microgrid Components. Madison: University of Wisconsin, 2006.