Archiving and Management of Power Systems Data for Real-Time Performance Monitoring Platform

TitleArchiving and Management of Power Systems Data for Real-Time Performance Monitoring Platform
Publication TypeReport
Year of Publication2005
AuthorsCarlos A Martinez, Zhenyu Huang, Ross T Guttromson
Date Published01/2005
KeywordsAARD, advanced measurements and control, RTGRM

Over the past century, power systems have advanced from single generating plants to highly interconnected grids spanning thousands of miles. These modern power systems play an essential role in our society by providing a highly reliable energy source. However, they occasionally experience massive breakups affecting large residential and industrial areas. The lessons learned from such breakups are instructive but costly.

Assuring power system reliability has been a major objective since the beginning of the industry. Today's power engineers are especially concerned about power system reliability for a number of reasons. Economy growth demands more power from the electric infrastructure, and increases the stress upon aging facilities. Deregulation encourages operating the system in ways for which it was not originally designed, and that operation becomes increasingly variable and difficult to predict. Grid managers find it increasingly difficult to determine and observe the limits of safe operation.