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"Towards a Transmission Line Limit Preserving Algorithm for Large-Scale Power System Equivalents." 48th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Kauai, HI: IEEE, 2015.
. Tracking the Reliability of the U.S. Electric Power System: An Assessment of Publicly Available Information Reported to State Public Utility Commissions. Berkeley: LBNL, 2008. LBNL-1092E.
. "Trajectory sensitivities: Applications in power systems and estimation accuracy refinement." 2013 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting. Vancouver, BC: IEEE, 2013. 1 - 5.
. Transformerless Solar PV Inverters Test Report. Southern California Edison, 2013.
. "Transient Model of Air-Conditioner Compressor Single Phase Induction Motor." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 28.4 (2013) 4528-4536.
. "Transient stability constrained optimal power flow for cascading outages." 2014 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting. National Harbor, MD, USA: IEEE, 2014. 1 - 5.
. "Transition to a Two-Level Linear State Estimator—Part II: Algorithm." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 26.1 (2011) 54 - 62.
. Transmission Benefit Quantification, Cost Allocation and Cost Recovery. Berkeley: LBNL, 2009.
. "Transmission Grid Access and Pricing in Norway, Spain, and California: A Comparative Study." Power Delivery Europe. Madrid, Spain, 1999. 17.
. "Transmission line parameter identification using PMU measurements." . European Transactions on Electrical Power 21.4 (2011) 1574 - 1588.
. "Transmission network-based energy and environmental assessment of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles." Journal of Power Sources 196.6 (2011) 3378 - 3386.
. "Transmission planning and pricing for renewables: Lessons from elsewhere." 2012 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting. San Diego, CA: IEEE, 2012. 1 - 5.
. . . . "Transmission voltage recovery delayed by stalled air conditioner compressors." IEEE Transactions on Power SystemsIEEE Transactions on Power Systems 7.3 (1992) 1173-1181.
. "Transmission voltage recovery following a fault event in the Metro Atlanta area." IEEE Power Engineering Society Summer Meeting 2000: 537-542 vol. 1.
. Transmission-Planning Research and Development Scoping Project. 2004. LBNL-55487.
. . "Two-Level Ambient Oscillation Modal Estimation From Synchrophasor Measurements." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems (2014) 1 - 10.
. "Two-level PMU-based linear state estimator." 2009 IEEE/PES Power Systems Conference and Exposition (PSCE). Seattle, WA, USA: IEEE, 2009. 1 - 6.
. "Understanding Bulk Power Reliability: The Importance of Good Data and A Critical Review of Existing Sources." IEEE 45th Hawaii International Conference on Systems Science (HICSS). Maui, HI: LBNL, 2012. LBNL-5125E.
. Understanding the Cost of Power Interruptions to U.S. Electricity Consumers. Berkeley: LBNL, 2004. LBNL-55718.
. "Unit Commitment With Continuous-Time Generation and Ramping Trajectory Models." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems (2015) 1 - 10.
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