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Residential Air Conditioner with VFD Test Report. Prepared for Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory by Southern California Edison, 2015.
. Residential German Solar PV Inverter Test Report. Southern California Edison, 2013.
. Residential Solar PV Inverter Test Report. Southern California Edison, 2013.
. Residential U.S. Solar PV Inverter with Advanced Features Test Report. Southern California Edison, 2013.
. "Resolving the reactive power question." 2019 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC). Auckland, New Zealand: IEEE, 2019.
. "Resolving the reactive power question." 2019 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC). Auckland, New Zealand: IEEE, 2019.
. Review Meetings with Project Participants. Electric Power Group, 2014.
. Review of existing infrastructure sytems, administrative processes, and data validation schemes, methods and algorithms. Electric Power Group, 2013.
. Review of International Grid Codes. 2018. LBNL-2001104.
. A Review of Market Monitoring Activities at U.S. Independent System Operators. Berkeley: LBNL, 2004. LBNL-53975.
. . A Review of Recent RTO Benefit-Cost Studies: Toward More Comprehensive Assessments of FERC Electricity Restructuring Policies. 2005. LBNL-58027.
. Review of Test Facilities for Distributed Energy Resources. Berkeley: LBNL, 2003. LBNL-51954.
. Review of the Recent Frequency Performance of the Eastern, Western and ERCOT Interconnections. 2010. LBNL-4144E.
. Review of the Structure of Bulk Power Markets. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 1999.
. . "Risk and “N-1” Criteria Coordination for Real-Time Operations." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 28.3 (2013) 3505 - 3506.
. "Risk Based Multi-objective Security Control and Congestion Management." Iowa State University, 2007.
. "Risk limiting dispatch of wind power." 2012 American Control Conference (ACC). Montreal, QC: IEEE, 2012. 4417 - 4422.
. "A Risk-Averse Optimization Model for Unit Commitment Problems." 48th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Kauai, HI: IEEE, 2015.
. "Risk-Based Locational Marginal Pricing and Congestion Management." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 29.5 (2014) 2518 - 2528.
. "Risk-based optimal power flow and system operation state." IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) General Meeting. Calgary, Canada: IEEE, 2009. 1 - 6.
. "Risk-Based Security and Economy Tradeoff Analysis for Real-Time Operation." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 22.4 (2007) 2287 - 2288.
. "Risk-limiting dispatch for integrating renewable power." International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 44.1 (2013) 615 - 628.