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"Synchrophasor Measurements Under the IEEE Standard C37.118.1-2011 With Amendment C37.118.1a." IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery PP (2015) 1 - 1.
. "Is teamwork the smart solution?." IEEE Power and Energy Magazine 7.2 (2009).
. "A Tool to Characterize Delays and Packet Losses in Power Systems With Synchrophasor Data." IEEE Power and Energy Technology Systems Journal 5.4 (2018) 117 - 128.
. "A Tool to Characterize Delays and Packet Losses in Power Systems With Synchrophasor Data." IEEE Power and Energy Technology Systems Journal 5.4 (2018) 117 - 128.
. "On Topology Attack of a Smart Grid: Undetectable Attacks and Countermeasures." IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 31.7 (2013) 1294 - 1305.
. "Transient Model of Air-Conditioner Compressor Single Phase Induction Motor." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 28.4 (2013) 4528-4536.
. "Transition to a Two-Level Linear State Estimator—Part II: Algorithm." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 26.1 (2011) 54 - 62.
. "Transmission line parameter identification using PMU measurements." . European Transactions on Electrical Power 21.4 (2011) 1574 - 1588.
. "Transmission network-based energy and environmental assessment of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles." Journal of Power Sources 196.6 (2011) 3378 - 3386.
. "Transmission voltage recovery delayed by stalled air conditioner compressors." IEEE Transactions on Power SystemsIEEE Transactions on Power Systems 7.3 (1992) 1173-1181.
. "Two-Level Ambient Oscillation Modal Estimation From Synchrophasor Measurements." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems (2014) 1 - 10.
. "Unit Commitment With Continuous-Time Generation and Ramping Trajectory Models." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems (2015) 1 - 10.
. "Using deferrable demand in a smart grid to reduce the cost of electricity for customers." Journal of Regulatory Economics (2015).
. "Using Residential AC Load Control in Grid Operations: PG&E's Ancillary Service Pilot." IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 4.2 (2013) 1162-1170.
. "Using vehicle-to-grid technology for frequency regulation and peak-load reduction." Journal of Power Sources 196.8 (2011) 3972 - 3980.
. "Value of Price Responsive Load for Wind Integration in Unit Commitment." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 29.2 (2014) 675 - 685.
. "Virtual Bidding: Equilibrium, Learning, and the Wisdom of Crowds." IFAC-PapersOnLine 50.1 (2017) 225 - 232.
. "Voltage-Source Control of PV Inverter in a CERTS Microgrid." IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 29.4 (2014) 1726 - 1734.
. "Adaptive Transmission Planning: Implementing a New Paradigm for Managing Economic Risks in Grid Expansion." IEEE Power and Energy Magazine 2016.
. "Demand Response: An Overview of Enabling Technologies." Public Utilities Fortnightly 2001.
. "Efficient and Reliable Reactive Power Supply and Consumption - Insights from an Integrated Program of Engineering and Economics Research." The Electricity Journal 2008: 70–81. LBNL-63782.
. "Improving Electricity Resource-Planning Processes by Considering the Strategic Benefits of Transmission." The Electricity Journal 2009. LBNL-2547E.
. "Improving Reliability Through Better Models: Using Synchrophasor Data to Validate Power Plant Models." IEEE Power and Energy Magazine 2014: 44 - 51.
. "Reliability Monitoring: The High-Tech Eye in the Sky." Public Utilities Fortnightly 2007. LBNL-62494 .
. "Toward More Comprehensive Assessments of FERC Electricity Restructuring Policies: A Review of Recent Benefit-Cost Studies of RTOs." The Electricity Journal 2006: 50-62. LBNL-62571.