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"Smart Transmission Grid Applications and Their Supporting Infrastructure." IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 1.1 (2010) 11 - 19.
. "Smart Generation and Transmission With Coherent, Real-Time Data." Proceedings of the IEEE 99.6 (2011) 928 - 951.
. "Smart Flexible Just-in-Time Transmission and Flowgate Bidding." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 26.1 (2011) 93 - 102.
. "Smart Distribution: Coupled Microgrids." Proceedings of the IEEE 99.6 (2011) 1074 - 1082.
. "Slow Coherency Based Cutset Determination Algorithm for Large Power Systems." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 25.2 (2010) 877 - 884.
. "Slow Coherency Based Controlled Islanding - A Demonstration of the Approach on the August 14, 2003 Blackout Scenario." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 21.4 (2006) 9.
. "A Sensitivity Approach to Detection of Local Market Power Potential." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 26.4 (2011) 1980 - 1988.
. "Secure Planning and Operations of Systems With Stochastic Sources, Energy Storage, and Active Demand." IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 4.4 (2013) 2220 - 2229.
. "A Scalable Stochastic Model for the Electricity Demand of Electric and Plug-In Hybrid Vehicles." IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 5.2 (2014) 848 - 860.
. "Risk-limiting dispatch for integrating renewable power." International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 44.1 (2013) 615 - 628.
. "Risk-Based Security and Economy Tradeoff Analysis for Real-Time Operation." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 22.4 (2007) 2287 - 2288.
. "Risk-Based Locational Marginal Pricing and Congestion Management." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 29.5 (2014) 2518 - 2528.
. "Risk and “N-1” Criteria Coordination for Real-Time Operations." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 28.3 (2013) 3505 - 3506.
. "A Reserve Response Set Model for Systems with Stochastic Resources." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems (2017).
. "Reserve Requirements for Wind Power Integration: A Scenario-Based Stochastic Programming Framework." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 26.4 (2011) 2197 - 2206.
. "Reducing power system costs with thermal energy storage." Applied Energy 129 (2014) 228 - 237.
. "Reduced-Order Load Models for Large Populations of Flexible Appliances." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems PP.99 (2014) 1 - 17.
. "Recursive Frequency Domain Decomposition for Multidimensional Ambient Modal Estimation." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 32.1 (2017) 822 - 823.
. "Real-World Performance of a CERTS Microgrid in Manhattan." IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 5.4 (2014) 1356 - 1360.
. "Real-Time Scheduling of Distributed Resources." IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 4.4 (2013) 2122 - 2130.
. "Real-Time Power Balancing Via Decentralized Coordinated Home Energy Scheduling." IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 4.3 (2013) 1490 - 1504.
. "Rational Buyer Meets Rational Seller: Reserves Market Equilibria under Alternative Auction Designs." Journal of Regulatory Economics 21.3 (2002) 247-288.
. "Ramping Rate Flexibility of Residential HVAC Loads." IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy (2015) 1 - 10.
. "Quantitative transient voltage dip assessment of contingencies using trajectory sensitivities." International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 61 (2014) 298 - 304.
. "Pure and applied metrology." IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine 19.6 (2016) 19 - 24.