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"Stability Criteria for Power Systems with Damping Control and Asymmetric Feedback Delays." 2018 North American Power Symposium (NAPS). Fargo, ND: IEEE, 2018.
. "Spot Pricing of Electricity and Ancillary Services in a Competitive California Market." Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 2001: 10.
. . Spinning Reserve from Responsive Loads. Oak Ridge: Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 2003.
. . Spinning Reserve from Pump Load: A Technical Findings Report to the California Department of Water Resources. Oak Ridge: Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 2003.
. "Spinning Reserve from Hotel Load Response." The Electricity Journal 21.10 (2008) 59 - 66.
. "A Sparse Representation Approach to Online Estimation of Power System Distribution Factors." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems (2014) 1 - 12.
. "Sorry, wrong number: The use and misuse of numerical facts in analysis and media reporting of energy issues." . Annual Review of Energy and the Environment 2002 27 (2002) 119-158. LBNL-50499.
. "Some considerations in using Prony analysis to estimate electromechanical modes." 2013 IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) General Meeting. Vancouver, BC: IEEE, 2013. 1 - 5.
. . Solar PV Inverter Test Procedures. Southern California Edison, 2013.
. . Software Requirements Specification for Management for Grid Control. Albuquerque: Sandia National Laboratory, 2003.
. "Smart Transmission Grid Applications and Their Supporting Infrastructure." IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 1.1 (2010) 11 - 19.
. . "Smart Generation and Transmission With Coherent, Real-Time Data." Proceedings of the IEEE 99.6 (2011) 928 - 951.
. "Smart Flexible Just-in-Time Transmission and Flowgate Bidding." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 26.1 (2011) 93 - 102.
. "Smart Distribution: Coupled Microgrids." Proceedings of the IEEE 99.6 (2011) 1074 - 1082.
. "Small signal stability analysis and distributed control with communications uncertainty." 2016 International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion (SPEEDAM). Capri, Italy: IEEE, 2016. 1284 - 1291.
. "Slow Coherency Based Cutset Determination Algorithm for Large Power Systems." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 25.2 (2010) 877 - 884.
. "Slow Coherency Based Controlled Islanding - A Demonstration of the Approach on the August 14, 2003 Blackout Scenario." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 21.4 (2006) 9.
. . "Simulation results for the pacific DC intertie wide area damping controller." 2017 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM). Chicago, IL, USA: IEEE, 2017.
. "Sensitivity-based line outage angle factors." 2015 North American Power Symposium (NAPS). Charlotte, NC, USA: IEEE, 2015. 1 - 5.