Some considerations in using Prony analysis to estimate electromechanical modes

TitleSome considerations in using Prony analysis to estimate electromechanical modes
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2013
AuthorsNing Zhou, John W Pierre, Dan Trudnowski
Conference Name2013 IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) General Meeting
Date Published07/2013
Conference LocationVancouver, BC
KeywordsAA07-001, AARD, phasor measurement units (PMUs)

Prony analysis has been used to estimate oscillation modes from ringdown responses in a power grid. When applying Prony analysis, several factors must be considered to estimate the modes accurately. In this paper, a general prediction model is proposed for the Prony analysis. The influence of decimation factors, model orders, and linear solvers on estimation accuracy is studied using the Monte Carlo method with a goal of providing a reference for applying Prony analysis to estimate electromechanical modes.
