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2014 FIDVR Events Analysis on Valley Distribution Circuits. Prepared for Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory by Southern California Edison, 2015.
. Joint US DOE/NERC Workshop 2015.
. "Acyclic semidefinite approximations of quadratically constrained quadratic programs." 2015 American Control Conference (ACC). Chicago, IL, USA: IEEE, 2015. 5925 - 5930.
. "Aggregate Flexibility of Thermostatically Controlled Loads." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 30.1 (2015) 189 - 198.
. 2015. LBNL-1003990.
ARRA Interconnection Planning - Load Modeling Activities. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, 2015.
. Assessing Changes in the Reliability of the U.S. Electric Power System. 2015. LBNL-188741.
. Assessment of Historical Transmission Schedules and Flows in the Eastern Interconnection, v1.0. Open Access Technology International, 2015.
. "ATC-Based System Reduction for Planning Power Systems With Correlated Wind and Loads." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 30.1 (2015) 429 - 438.
. "Baselining PMU Data to Find Patterns and Anomalies." CIGRE 2015 Grid of the Future Symposium. Paris, France: CIGRE, 2015.
. "On Bus Type Assignments in Random Topology Power Grid Models." 48th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Kauai, HI: IEEE, 2015.
. "Can Energy Bids from Aggregators Manage Deferrable Demand Efficiently?." 48th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Kauai, HI: IEEE, 2015.
. "Capacity Controlled Demand Side Management: A Stochastic Pricing Analysis." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems (2015) 1 - 12.
. CERTS Microgrid: Modeling, Analysis and Control of Distributed Energy Resources - Phase I. Ohio State University, 2015.
. Commercial 3-Phase Rooftop Air Conditioner Test Report. Prepared for Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory by Southern California Edison, 2015.
. Commercial Building Motor Protection Response Report. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, 2015.
. Compiled Application and Source Code. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 2015.
. 2015 Workshop on Fault-Induced Delayed Voltage Recovery (FIDVR) & Dynamic Load Modeling 2015.
. A Conceptual Framework for Measurement (with emphasis on phasor measurement). Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), 2015.
. "The Controllability of Real Things: Planning for Wind Integration." The Electricity Journal 28.1 (2015) 19 - 28.
. "Co-optimization of electricity transmission and generation resources for planning and policy analysis: review of concepts and modeling approaches." Energy Systems (2015).
. "Coordination of wind power and flexible load through demand response options." IEEE Annual Conference on Decision and Control. Osaka, Japan: IEEE, 2015.
. 2015 Workshop on Fault-Induced Delayed Voltage Recovery (FIDVR) & Dynamic Load Modeling 2015.
. "A data mining approach for real-time corrective switching." 2015 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting. Denver, CO, USA: IEEE, 2015. 1 - 5.