A Conceptual Framework for Measurement (with emphasis on phasor measurement)

TitleA Conceptual Framework for Measurement (with emphasis on phasor measurement)
Publication TypeReport
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsHarold Kirkham
Date Published02/2015
InstitutionPacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
Report NumberPNNL-24071
KeywordsAA14-001, AARD, CERTS, phasor measurement units (PMUs), RTGRM

This report explores the processes involved in metrology, the science of measurement. It concentrates on measurements that are made of continuous data streams. Measurement is seen as a process of data compression, performed sometimes to reduce the bandwidth needed in communication and sometimes to reduce storage space for the results of measurements. Importantly, it is shown that the result of a measurement should be viewed as having meaning.