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Journal Article
Gjermundrod, H., H. Gjermundrod, David E Bakken, C.H. Hauser, and Anjan Bose. "GridStat: A Flexible QoS-Managed Data Dissemination Framework for the Power Grid." IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 24.1 (2009) 136 - 143.
Renjit, Ajit A, Mahesh S Illindala, and David A Klapp. "Graphical and Analytical Methods for Stalling Analysis of Engine Generator Sets." IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 50.5 (2014) 2967 - 2975.
Zhang, Peng, Ning Zhou, and Ali Abdollahi. "A Generalized Subspace Least Mean Square Method for High-resolution Accurate Estimation of Power System Oscillation Modes." Electric Power Components and Systems 41.12 (2013) 1205 - 1212.
Alizadeh, Mahnoosh, Anna Scaglione, and Robert J Thomas. "From Packet to Power Switching: Digital Direct Load Scheduling." IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 30.6 (2012) 1027 - 1036.
Campaigne, Clay, and Shmuel S Oren. "Firming renewable power with demand response: an end-to-end aggregator business model." Journal of Regulatory Economics 50.1 (2016) 1 - 37.
Palacio, Santiago Naranjo, Kevin J Kircher, and K. Max Zhang. "On the feasibility of providing power system spinning reserves from thermal storage." Energy and Buildings 104 (2015) 131 - 138.
Wu, Tianying, S. Arash Nezam Sarmadi, Vaithianathan Venkatasubramanian, Alex Pothen, and Ananth Kalyanaraman. "Fast SVD Computations for Synchrophasor Algorithms." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems (2015) 1 - 2.
Zhang, Yi-Shan, and Hsiao-Dong Chiang. "Fast Newton-FGMRES Solver for Large-Scale Power Flow Study." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 25.2 (2010) 769 - 776.
Khalilinia, Hamed, Lu Zhang, and Vaithianathan Venkatasubramanian. "Fast Frequency-Domain Decomposition for Ambient Oscillation Monitoring." IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery (2015) 1 - 1.
Vrettos, Evangelos, Emre C Karay, Jason MacDonald, Göran Andersson, and Duncan S Callaway. "Experimental Demonstration of Frequency Regulation by Commercial Buildings – Part II: Results and Performance Evaluation." IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid (2016) 1 - 1.
Vrettos, Evangelos, Emre C Karay, Jason MacDonald, Göran Andersson, and Duncan S Callaway. "Experimental Demonstration of Frequency Regulation by Commercial Buildings – Part I: Modeling and Hierarchical Control Design." IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid (2016) 1 - 1.
Ahlstrom, Mark, Erik Ela, Jenny Riesz, Jonathan O'Sullivan, Benjamin F Hobbs, Mark O'Malley, Michael Milligan, Paul Sotkiewicz, and Jim Caldwell. "The Evolution of the Market: Designing a Market for High Levels of Variable Generation." IEEE Power and Energy Magazine 13.6 (2015) 60 - 66.
Pulcherio, Mariana, Ajit A Renjit, Mahesh Illindala, Joseph H Eto, David Klapp, and Robert H Lasseter. "Evaluation of Control Methods to Prevent Collapse of a Mixed Source Microgrid." IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 52.6 (2016). LBNL-1006118.
Mohapatra, Saurav, Wonhyeok Jang, and Thomas J Overbye. "Equivalent Line Limit Calculation for Power System Equivalent Networks." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 29.5 (2014) 2338 - 2346.
Munoz, Francisco D, Benjamin F Hobbs, Jonathan L Ho, and Saamrat Kasina. "An Engineering-Economic Approach to Transmission Planning Under Market and Regulatory Uncertainties: WECC Case Study." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 29.1 (2014) 307 - 317.
Silva-Saravia, Horacio Daniel, Hector Arnaldo Pulgar, Leon M Tolbert, David A Schoenwald, and Wenyun Ju. "Enabling Utility-Scale Solar PV Plants for Electromechanical Oscillation Damping." IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy (2020) 1 - 1.
Silva-Saravia, Horacio Daniel, Hector Arnaldo Pulgar, Leon M Tolbert, David A Schoenwald, and Wenyun Ju. "Enabling Utility-Scale Solar PV Plants for Electromechanical Oscillation Damping." IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy (2020) 1 - 1.
Sarmadi, S. Arash Nezam, and Vaithianathan Venkatasubramanian. "Electromechanical Mode Estimation Using Recursive Adaptive Stochastic Subspace Identification." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 29.1 (2014) 349 - 358.
Toomey, David, William D Schulze, Robert J Thomas, James S Thorp, Daniel J Tylavsky, and Richard E Schuler. "Efficient Market Design and Public Goods, Part II: Theoretical Results." International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems 11.1 (2010).
Lamadrid, Alberto J, Surin Maneevitjit, and Timothy D Mount. "The economic value of transmission lines and the implications for planning models." Energy Economics 57 (2016) 1 - 15.
Perez, Andres P, Enzo E Sauma, Francisco D Munoz, and Benjamin F Hobbs. "The Economic Effects of Interregional Trading of Renewable Energy Certificates in the U.S. WECC." The Energy Journal 37.4 (2016).
Sauma, Enzo E, and Shmuel S Oren. "Economic Criteria for Planning Transmission Investment in Restructured Electricity Markets." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 22.4 (2007) 1394 - 1405.
Ozdemir, Ozge, Francisco D Munoz, Jonathan L Ho, and Benjamin F Hobbs. "Economic Analysis of Transmission Expansion Planning With Price-Responsive Demand and Quadratic Losses by Successive LP." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems (2015) 1 - 12.
O'Neill, Richard P, Kory W Hedman, Eric A Krall, Anthony Papavasiliou, and Shmuel S Oren. "Economic analysis of the N-1 reliable unit commitment and transmission switching problem using duality concepts." Energy Systems 1.2 (2010) 165 - 195.
Mount, Timothy D, and Jaeuk Ju. "An econometric framework for evaluating the efficiency of a market for transmission congestion contracts." Energy Economics 46 (2014) 176 - 185.
