The Evolution of the Market: Designing a Market for High Levels of Variable Generation

TitleThe Evolution of the Market: Designing a Market for High Levels of Variable Generation
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsMark Ahlstrom, Erik Ela, Jenny Riesz, Jonathan O'Sullivan, Benjamin F Hobbs, Mark O'Malley, Michael Milligan, Paul Sotkiewicz, Jim Caldwell
JournalIEEE Power and Energy Magazine
Pagination60 - 66
Date Published11/2015

Renewable energy was not the initial justification for electricity markets, but it is rapidly becoming a driver for new markets and market design changes. Starting in 1982 with market reforms in Chile, competition has been introduced into wholesale electricity markets around the world. This trend is likely to accelerate with countries such as China planning a major restructuring of power systems that could result in electricity markets.

Short TitleIEEE Power and Energy Mag.