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"Evaluation of Control Methods to Prevent Collapse of a Mixed Source Microgrid." IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 52.6 (2016). LBNL-1006118.
. "The Evolution of the Market: Designing a Market for High Levels of Variable Generation." IEEE Power and Energy Magazine 13.6 (2015) 60 - 66.
. "Experimental Demonstration of Frequency Regulation by Commercial Buildings – Part II: Results and Performance Evaluation." IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid (2016) 1 - 1.
. "Experimental Demonstration of Frequency Regulation by Commercial Buildings – Part I: Modeling and Hierarchical Control Design." IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid (2016) 1 - 1.
. "Fast Frequency-Domain Decomposition for Ambient Oscillation Monitoring." IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery (2015) 1 - 1.
. "Fast Newton-FGMRES Solver for Large-Scale Power Flow Study." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 25.2 (2010) 769 - 776.
. "Fast SVD Computations for Synchrophasor Algorithms." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems (2015) 1 - 2.
. "On the feasibility of providing power system spinning reserves from thermal storage." Energy and Buildings 104 (2015) 131 - 138.
. "Firming renewable power with demand response: an end-to-end aggregator business model." Journal of Regulatory Economics 50.1 (2016) 1 - 37.
. "From Packet to Power Switching: Digital Direct Load Scheduling." IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 30.6 (2012) 1027 - 1036.
. "A Generalized Subspace Least Mean Square Method for High-resolution Accurate Estimation of Power System Oscillation Modes." Electric Power Components and Systems 41.12 (2013) 1205 - 1212.
. "Graphical and Analytical Methods for Stalling Analysis of Engine Generator Sets." IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 50.5 (2014) 2967 - 2975.
. "GridStat: A Flexible QoS-Managed Data Dissemination Framework for the Power Grid." IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 24.1 (2009) 136 - 143.
. "The Hidden System Costs of Wind Generation in a Deregulated Electricity Market." The Energy Journal 33.1 (2012).
. "Identification of Virtual Battery Models for Flexible Loads." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems (2016) 1 - 10.
. "The impact of carbon cap and trade regulation on congested electricity market equilibrium." Journal of Regulatory Economics 40.3 (2011) 237 - 260.
. "Impact of Data Quality on Real-Time Locational Marginal Price." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 29.2 (2014) 627 - 636.
. "On the Impact of Measurement Errors on Power System Automatic Generation Control." IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid (2016) 1 - 1.
. "Implementation of a Large-Scale Optimal Power Flow Solver Based on Semidefinite Programming." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 28.4 (2013) 3987 - 3998.
. "Improved Synthetic Power Grid Modeling with Correlated Bus Type Assignments." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems (2016) 1 - 1.
. "Incorporating residential AC load control into ancillary service markets: Measurement and settlement." Energy Policy 56 (2013) 175 - 185.
. "Initial Results in Using a Self-Coherence Method for Detecting Sustained Oscillations." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 30.1 (2015) 522 - 530.
. "Intelligent electric vehicle charging: Rethinking the valley-fill." Journal of Power Sources 196.24 (2011) 10717 - 10726.
. "Interarea Oscillation Damping Control Using High-Voltage DC Transmission: A Survey." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 33.6 (2018) 6915 - 6923.
. "Interarea Oscillation Damping Control Using High-Voltage DC Transmission: A Survey." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 33.6 (2018) 6915 - 6923.