
Export 813 results:
Author Title Type [ Year(Desc)]
Goldman, Charles A, Bernard C Lesieutre, and Emily S Bartholomew. A Review of Market Monitoring Activities at U.S. Independent System Operators. Berkeley: LBNL, 2004. LBNL-53975.
Barbose, Galen L, Charles A Goldman, and Bernard Neenan. A Survey of Utility Experience with Real Time Pricing. Berkeley: LBNL, 2004. LBNL-54238.
Wang, Xiaoming, and Vijay Vittal. "System Islanding Using Minimal Cutsets with Minimum Net Flow." Power Systems Conference and Exposition. IEEE, 2004. 6.
Eto, Joseph H, Bernard Lesieutre, and Steven E Widergren. Transmission-Planning Research and Development Scoping Project. 2004. LBNL-55487.
Kamat, Rajnish, and Shmuel S Oren. Two Settlements Systems for Electricity Markets under Network Uncertainty and Market Power. 2004.
LaCommare, Kristina Hamachi, and Joseph H Eto. Understanding the Cost of Power Interruptions to U.S. Electricity Consumers. Berkeley: LBNL, 2004. LBNL-55718.
Lesieutre, Bernard, and Joseph H Eto. "When a Rose Is Not a Rose: A Review of Recent Estimates of Congestion Costs." The Electricity Journal 2004. LBNL-52739.
CERTS), Consortium for Electr, and Electric Power Grou EPG). "Wide-Area ACE-Frequency Real-Time Monitoring System." 2004: Load-Generation Resources Adequacy Real-Time Monitoring Tool (NERC-RA).
Solutions, Consortium for Electr, and Electric Power Group. Wide-Area ACE-Frequency Real-Time Monitoring System User's Guide, Release 2. 2004.
Martinez, Carlos A, Zhenyu Huang, and Ross T Guttromson. Archiving and Management of Power Systems Data for Real-Time Performance Monitoring Platform. 2005.
Group, Electric Power, and Consortium for Electr Solutions. Assessment of Reliability and Operational Issues for Integration of Renewable Generation. 2005.
Eto, Joseph H, Manu Parashar, Bernard Lesieutre, and Nancy J Lewis. CA ISO Real Time Voltage Security Assessment (VSA) Project: Summary of Survey Result on Methodologies for use in Real Time Voltage Security Assessment. 2005.
Firestone, Ryan M, and Chris Marnay. Energy Manager Design for Microgrids. CERTS, 2005.
Lesieutre, Bernard C. Improving Dynamic Load and Generator Response Performance Tools. Berkeley: LBNL, 2005.
Adilov, Nodir, Thomas Light, Richard E Schuler, William D Schulze, David Toomey, and Ray D Zimmerman. "Market Structure and the Predictability of Electricity System Line Flows: An Experimental Analysis." Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Cornell University, 2005. 9.
Firestone, Ryan M, and Chris Marnay. Microturbine Economic Competitiveness: A Study of Two Potential Adopters. Berkeley: LBNL, 2005. LBNL-57985.
Solutions, Consortium for Electr, and Electric Power Group. NERC Disturbance, Alarm, Response, and Analysis (DARA) Functional Specification. 2005.
Siddiqui, Afzal S, Chris Marnay, Owen C Bailey, and Kristina Hamachi LaCommare. "Optimal selection of on-site power generation with combined heat and power applications." International Journal of Distributed Energy Resources 1.1 (2005) 33-62.
Martinez, Carlos A. "Real-Time Monitoring Tools and Multi-View Visualization for Wide-Area Operations." DistribuTECH Transmission Reliability Panel, San Diego, California 2005.
Eto, Joseph H, Bernard Lesieutre, and Douglas R Hale. A Review of Recent RTO Benefit-Cost Studies: Toward More Comprehensive Assessments of FERC Electricity Restructuring Policies. 2005. LBNL-58027.
Dobson, Ian, and Benjamin A Carreras. Risk Analysis of Critical Loading and Blackouts with Cascading Events. 2005.
"The Value of Economic Dispatch: A Report to Congress Pursuant to Section 1234 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005.". 2005.
Martinez, Carlos A. "Wide-Area Resources Adequacy Monitoring and Tracking Plan for DOE Deployment and User Training." 2005.
Piagi, Paolo, and Robert H Lasseter. "Autonomous control of microgrids." 2006 IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting. Montreal, Que., Canada: IEEE, 2006. 8 pp.
Lasseter, Robert H, and Paolo Piagi. Control and Design of Microgrid Components. Madison: University of Wisconsin, 2006.
