Spectral Coherence Analysis Tool

Project Status: 

The objective of this work was to extend the existing spectral coherence algorithm to improve the detection of persistent oscillations and provide more tractable information to the end user, in the form of daily summaries or outputs. Determining alarming techniques and thresholds, as well as integrating into the DISAT capabilities, we conducted the following work:

  • Coordinate with grid operations experts to determine when an oscillation may be of concern to determine threshold levels
  • Improve the overall stability of the algorithm to help promote potential “real-time” implementations
  • Translate the algorithm into R, for integration within the DISAT program
  • Investigate time-series results, especially correlated with other power metrics to determine any broader value or alarming thresholds for detecting events

Related Publications

Zhou, Ning. "A coherence method for detecting and analyzing oscillations." 2013 IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) General Meeting. Vancouver, BC: IEEE, 2013. 1 - 5.