Project Directory
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Evaluating the system and financial adequacy of portfolios of renewables, storage, and controllable loads The objective of this project was to use the new multi-period version of the Cornell SuperOPF to analyze the system and economic effects of having high penetrations of renewable energy on a network and to determine effective ways to mitigate the inherent variability of these sources. |
Mount, Tim |
Evaluating the Effects of Managing Controllable Demand and Distributed Energy Resources Locally on System Performance and Costs The primary objectives of this proposal were to (1) evaluate the effects of different types of storage on annual system costs and performance, (2) evaluate the effects of ramping on annual system costs and performance, (3) develop appropriate rate structures and incentives to promote distributed resource participation in coordinated aggregation schemes, (4) develop distributed resource models and control algorithms that accurately capture the aggregate demand-side flexibility as managed by an aggregator, (5) determine the system value of offering demand-side flexibility into a wholesale mar |
Mount, Tim |
End-to-End Testing of Commercial Building End Uses for Regulation This project is establishing an end-to-end connection between the end-uses and systems at LBNL’s FLEXLAB® and PJM’s regulation signals using OpenADR. In addition to working with PJM, partnerships with other ISOs and demand response aggregators are being explored, to determine the kinds of decision-support tools they need to participate in AS markets, especially regulation. |
Callaway, Duncan |
Electricity Market Design Principles This project was designed to continue the coordinated program in the theory, design and testing of multidimensional markets for energy, reserves and other ancillary services, and the integration of active demand-side participation to form self-regulating markets. New experiments were developed to determine the effects of transfers on native load LMP, voltage profiles and market power. |
Mount, Tim |
Efficient Algorithm for Finding the Global Optimizer to AC Optimal Power Flow This project is developing an efficient algorithm to find the global solution to the AC optimal power flow problem for large power systems. |
Oh, HyungSeon |
Early FIDVR-Related Research Industry awareness of FIDVR, though it was not always referred to by this name, dates to technical papers that have appeared in the literature since the 1990s. |
Dynamic System Identification (DSI) Toolbox Capabilities Update The objective of this work was to conduct a survey of existing tools that provide similar functionality to the DSI Toolbox. Pending a favorable review of that survey, then the PNNL team will pursue two primary activities for updating the DSI Toolbox. |
Tuffner, Frank |
Dynamic Reserve Policies for Market Management Systems This project is conducting optimization-based analyses to examine: (a) new reserve policies for contingency-based reserves and ramping products, which may be needed to compensate for resource uncertainty; (b) the possible creation of dynamic zonal reserve policies; and (c) the creation of response-set reserve policies that specify a set of generators (or resources providing reserves) that will respond given a specific event—while taking into consideration network limitations. |
Hedman, Kory |
DOE/NIST Collaboration This project involves coordinating synchrophasor related activities funded by DOE/OE at NIST, PNNL, and ORNL. Specifically, it includes a focus on measurement needs, including IEEE 1588 timing, and other activities in the DOE/NIST interagency agreement. ORNL will continue to support PMU compliance with IEEE C37.118, participate in the development of IEEE 1588 precision timing protocols, as well as seeking additional opportunities for the institutions to collaborate. |
Ewing, Paul |
Distribution PMU Scoping In FY14, DOE initiated a scoping study to identify potential uses and benefits of installing phasor measurement units (PMUs) within electricity distribution systems and the associated research and development that is required to realize these benefits. |
Eto, Joe |
Development of Attribute Preserving Network Equivalents This project is developing algorithms to construct equivalent system models that preserve desired attributes and behaviors of an interconnected electric power grid. Special emphasis is placed on applying the algorithm to develop “backbone” equivalents for large networks, such as the entire Eastern Interconnection. This project has been completed. |
Overbye, Tom |
Development and Testing of Oscillation Monitoring System (OMS) This project is demonstrating full-scale, on-line and off-line software prototype tools with Entergy, WECC, and Peak RC that detect and analyze system oscillations from either ambient or disturbed system PMU measurements. In contrast to other tools, these prototypes are capable of simultaneously processing hundreds of PMU measurements-rather than only a handful. Therefore, they can estimate oscillation characteristics such as the frequency, damping ratio, energy and mode shape of both local and inter-area oscillations across the wide-area power system. |
Venkatasubramanian, Mani |
Development and Testing of New Tools This project is developing modeling and simulation tools that take into account uncertainty in the context of multi-period scheduling and pricing for wholesale centralized electricity markets—such as those operated by ISO/RTOs. The current focus is on demonstrating the value of the SuperOPF approach using two-stage and receding-horizon market structures and integrating the generalized optimal power scheduling framework into MATPOWER. To view the MATLAB Power System Simulation Package, click here. |
Zimmerman, Ray |
Designing and Testing Markets for Real and Reactive Power The objective of this effort was to adapt the existing Pserc software platform (PowerWeb) so that it can be used effectively to test alternative ways of providing reactive power (primarily dynamic VArs) in a deregulated market. |
Thomas, Robert J. |
Data Integrity and Situational Awareness Tools (DISAT) This project is applying advanced statistical data processing techniques to examine phasor measurements provided by the Bonneville Power Administration. It uses these techniques to identify trends in (or patterns involving) multiple phase angles or other measurements, which are difficult to identify using standard analysis approaches. |
Tuffner, Frank Amidan, Brett |
Data Conditioning and Validation Using Phasor-Only State Estimator This project is developing a new approach for conditioning and validating synchrophasor data for real-time applications with the aim of providing experience-based recommendations for making the synchrophasor infrastructure more robust. Demonstration of a prototype is currently underway in partnership with Dominion Virginia Power. |
Thorp, Jim |
Damping Inter-area Oscillations through Decoupled Modulations The objective of this proposed work is to develop decoupled modulation control for damping inter-area low frequency oscillations, so the damping control can be more effective and easier to design with less interference among different oscillation modes in the system. To minimize the interference and improve effectiveness, this proposed work will develop a decoupled modulation control mechanism oriented for being used in conjunction with advanced power flow control devices such as FACTS and HVDC transmission. |
Huang, Zhenyu (Henry) |
Curated Power Grid Data Center for BPA A curated power grid data repository (PGDR) will provide researchers and developers with access to fully-curated data sets with known data quality handled in an automated process using well-tested and well-documented algorithms. Such a data repository will make power system information as provided by participating Utilities available to a broad research community to enable future power systems research. This project is working to develop the requirements and initial specifications of a PGDR and provide some prototyping of the capability. |
Rice, Mark |
Criticality and Risk Aspects of Large Cascading Blackouts This project focused on transmission system reliability, with the aim of understanding large, cascading failure blackouts and providing tools for analyzing and monitoring their risk. In particular, the project worked to identify the threshold that leads to increased risk of cascading failure, express this threshold in terms of realistic power system parameters and develop criteria and monitoring tools to be applied in real power transmission systems. |
Ian Dobson |
Coordination and Planning for the Efficient Transfer of Power across Control Areas This project was designed to extend previous analyses of the theory, design and testing of multi-dimensional markets to the special problems of coordinating and planning for the efficient transfer of power across control areas in ways that preserve or enhance within control area reliability (seams issues). |
Schuler, Richard |
Continuous Data-Driven Model Development The objective of this activity is to develop a learning system that adequately characterizes the dynamic performance of generators, loads, and storage devices connected to the electric grid. This includes electronically coupled devices and other low-inertia or no-inertia devices with nontraditional dynamic behaviors. The ultimate value for electric system operators is to reduce the uncertainty associated with DER, renewable generation sources, and loads. |
Buckner, Mark |
Computational Needs for the Next Generation Electric Grid The April 2011 DOE workshop Computational Needs for the Next Generation Electric Grid was the culmination of a year‐long process to bring together some of the Nation’s leading researchers and experts to identify computational challenges associated with the operation and planning of the electric power system. The presented papers from the workshop are collected in the published proceedings. |
Eto, Joe Thomas, Robert J. |
Composite Load Model Sensitivity Study In 2015, LBNL contracted with Mitsubishi Engineering to conduct the initial phase for a sensitivity study of the composite load model. The study was coordinated with the WECC Load Modeling Task Force and involved analysis of the transmission planning models used by Pacific Gas and Electric, PacifiCorp, Salt River Project, and Southern California Edison. Subsequent phases of this study are being funded by DOE through the CERTS program. |
Commercialization of the SuperOPF Framework The objective of the SuperOPF project is to develop a framework that will provide proper allocation and valuation of resources through true co-optimization across multiple scenarios. Instead of solving a sequence of simpler and approximate sub-problems, the SuperOPF approach combines as much as possible into a single mathematical programming framework with a full AC network and simultaneous co-optimization across multiple scenarios with stochastic costs. |
Chiang, Hsiao-Dong |
Commercial Building Motor Protection Response PNNL developed building motor response tables for a given set of commercial building types with voltage variances and time frames of interest. PNNL categorized motor protection and control responses for these voltage variances and times along with energy management system control logic restart times and motor protection trip delays. |
Kueck, John |