Project Directory
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Real-Time Wide Area Control This project was designed to work with industry leaders to frame potential demonstrations of emerging real-time control concepts on bulk power systems. These concepts would then be presented to stakeholders for potential funding in FY10 and beyond. |
Bose, Anjan |
Real-Time Voltage Security Assessment (RTVSA) The Real-Time Voltage Security Assessment (RTVSA) project was designed to be part of the suite of advanced computational tools for congestion management that is slated for practical applications in California. Modern voltage assessment methods include the development of such advanced functions as identification of weak elements, automatic selection of remedial actions and automatic development of composite operating nomograms and security regions. |
Eto, Joe |
Real-Time Reliability Tools for Situational Awareness Real-time reliability tools provide grid operators with accurate information on current operating conditions in order to inform timely corrective actions when they are needed to maintain or restore reliable operations. |
Real Time Dynamics Monitoring System (RTDMS) Development and Installation This project was designed to develop and test advanced prototype applications on the Real-Time Dynamic Monitoring System (RTDMS) platform to provide dispatchers and reliability coordinators with a unified wide-area grid monitoring visualization capability that provides dispatchers and reliability coordinators an instant visual snapshot of key system metrics. |
Dyer, Jim |
Random Topology Power Grid Modeling and Automated Simulation Platform This project is developing approaches for automatically generating hypothetical power grid models that preserve key attributes of real power grids—which can then be used to study issues that affect these grids but do not require provision of sensitive or hard-to-find information on the true attributes of real power grids. This research addresses a key limitation of many current studies, which is access to detailed information on actual power systems. |
Wang, Zhifang |
Proxy Limits and Congestion Metrics The purpose of this study was to determine the best way to incorporate “proxy-limits” in a DCOPF to preserve features of the solution of a more detailed ACOPF. Specific voltage and stability limits cannot be directly represented in a DCOPF and are indirectly included as line flow limits. This research sets out to determine the best way to set proxy limits to preserve the dispatch and prices of the ACOPF, in a DCOPF representation. |
Lesieutre, Bernie |
Probalistic Forecast of Real-Time LMPs As more renewable resources are integrated into the transmission system, and the power system operates closer to its capacity, congestion conditions become less predictable and locational marginal prices more volatile. The increased congestion and price uncertainties pose significant challenges to system operators and market participants. |
Tong, Lang |
Phasor Measurement Unit Testing and Documentation The goal of the proposed research work is to develop a universally accepted test plan that would support the DOE and NIST efforts for phasor measurement and testing. |
Martin, Ken |
On Valuing System Inertia and Fast Storage Response The objective of the proposed work is to investigate the value of inertia as a service to grid operations. We will consider questions such as how much inertia is needed for grid operation, how much location comes into play in determining governor response, what magnitude and rate of charge/discharge storage would be needed to mimic system inertia, and what procedures would be used to value system inertia. |
Overbye, Tom |
Nexus of Power Systems Reliability, Economics and Air Quality during High Energy Demand Days The scope of the project was to develop strategies to achieve the co-benefits of maintaining power systems reliability and protecting public health (from air pollution) during high electricity demand days (HEDDs). HEDDs are typically hot summer days when the demand for electricity is highest and the atmosphere is conductive to pollution formation such as ozone. Meeting high electricity demand during HEDDs requires dispatch of all generation resources, and demand response programs often lead to firing up of diesel backup generators. |
Zhang, Max |
New Security Tools for Real-Time Operations The objective of this work was to create new security assessment tools for real-time operations. Two areas of work were pursued including (1) risk-based security assessment; (2) high-speed extended term time domain simulation. The work resulted in new concepts for security assessment as well as developments which improve security-related computation. |
McCalley, Jim |
NERC Load-Generation-Reserves Reliability Control, Standards, and Performance This project provides research and technical support to the NERC Reliability Standards Drafting Teams (SDT) and Reliability Subcommittees, Resource Subcommittee, and RS-Frequency Working Group to identify and quantify reliability performance issues and trends, and assist in drafting and field testing and deploying reliability standards that improve situational awareness and system reliability. This work aims to provide technology solutions that address critical reliability issues, and improve load-generation control, reserves adequacy, and reliability performance. |
Martinez, Carlos Carrera, Frank Xue, Song |
Needs Assessment, Requirements, and Business Model for Next-Gen Instrumentation This project is developing methods and data needed to assess the measurement capabilities that will be required by the next generation of PMUs in order for them to support future power system applications. |
Buckner, Mark |
National Interest Transmission Bottlenecks DOE's 2002 National Transmission Grid Study recommended that DOE undertake designation of national interest transmission bottlenecks (NITB). This project supported DOE in that process by assessing and addressing gaps in current methods, approaches, and data needed to make these designations. This project initiated research needed to address the limitations of available approaches toward improving future designations by DOE. |
Eto, Joe |
Multi-Terminal HVdc The new technology of Voltage Source Converters allows dc lines to be made into networks, much as ac lines are. However, some aspects of networking are different between ac (with which power engineers are familiar) and dc (which has not been networked). The first year of the study outlined the differences and began to explore some of the possibilities offered by networking dc. The follow-on work will continue to explore the benefits, and address some of the obstacles. |
Kirkham, Harold |
Mode Meter Development This project is enhancing algorithms for use in a mode meter that will detect, analyze, and potentially help localize forced oscillations in a power system. It also supports BPA in conducting probing tests for modal analysis in the Western Interconnection. |
Tuffner, Frank Dagle, Jeff |
Modal Analysis for Grid Operations (MANGO) The objective is the development of a grid operations procedure using modal analysis for improving grid stability based on phasor measurements. To meet this need, modal analysis will be further explored in this project to develop real-time applications for grid operations. In prior work, we have extensively studied the mechanism of power grid low-frequency oscillations and identified the correlation of low damping and power flow of key transmission lines and generators. A MANGO procedure was established. |
Dagle, Jeff Huang, Zhenyu (Henry) |
Measurement-Based Stability Assessment This research is aimed at the development of understanding and algorithms that form the basis for real-time operations and control. Research will be conducted with the goals of (1) developing a better understanding of forced oscillations; and, (2) to compare the most recent mode-meter estimation algorithms. |
Trudnowski, Dan |
Measurement-Based Pre- and Post-Disturbance Grid Reliability Monitoring and Visualization This project research objective is to identify, define and validate thermal, voltage and stability measurement-based performance metrics, and complete development and field testing of a pre-and post-contingency prototype tool. Working with MISO, the last phase of work will complete research, definition, and testing of temporal and zonal grid reliability metrics and indices, and will complete enhancements for the prototype geographic multi-view visualization and automatic reports integrating post-contingency metrics and composite indices. |
Martinez, Carlos |
Measurement of Phasor-like Qualities Devices called Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) report the values of (for example) amplitude, frequency and phase of the power system. These parameters describe a mathematical entity called a phasor. But the power system quantities are not phasors—they are 'phasor-like.' Their frequency and amplitude are not constant, and constant parameters are a requirement of a phasor. Further, the word phase is not even defined as a parameter relating two signals of different frequencies, and yet that is a required output of a PMU. |
Kirkham, Harold |
Measurement Error Impacts on Synchrophasor-Based Applications This activity encompasses assessing the impact of measurement errors on synchrophasor measurement unit (PMU) applications. IEEE Standard C37.118 defines the accuracy requirements for PMUs. Frequency and angle errors from the standard is used in the error analysis. Four areas have been identified for the initial assessments: event location detection, oscillation detection, islanding detection, and dynamic line rating. |
Liu, Yilu |
Market Power Monitoring Metrics with Visualization Market power gives certain market participants the ability to manipulate the market to their advantage. In our research we identify resources which have the potential for market power either individually or within a small group based on sensitivity information that can be obtained from an optimal power flow. Specifically we cluster generators with the ability to adjust prices without affecting dispatch, potentially enabling them to set prices. This project was designed to develop and demonstrate robust algorithms that can be applied to ISO-scale systems. |
Lesieutre, Bernie |
Mapping Energy Futures: The SuperOPF Planning Tool This project is using the SuperOPF Planning Tool (now called E4ST) to study the future evolution of the US electric power system under different scenarios involving load growth, fuel prices, and regulations that direct generation technology choices. |
Shulze, Bill |
Managing Uncertainty in the Modern Power System: from Algorithms to Market Design This research aims to develop novel algorithmic tools to efficiently manage the variability that renewable energy resources bring to bear on power system operations at scale. Specifically, this work aims to (1) develop distributionally robust control algorithms to enable the near-optimal dispatch of uncertain power networks; and (2) design stochastic market clearing mechanisms to provide a competitive medium through which renewable power producers can sell their variable supply on equal footing with conventional power producers and flexible demand. |
Bitar, Eilyan |
Long-Term Planning and Investment for Transmission and Generation This project was designed to investigate how the presence of forward contracts affects the behavior of suppliers in real-time markets, how suppliers and buyers determine an equilibrium between forward and real-time sales, how the volatility of spot prices affects the levels of investment in new generation capacity and demand-side response, and how to provide incentives for transmission, generation and distributed energy resources (including load response) to maintain acceptable standards of reliability in the supply system (i.e. maintain system adequacy). |
Mount, Tim |