SCE and BPA have been conducting tests of individual residential and small commercial AC units to determine the conditions under which they stall.
Project Directory
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CMPLDW Tech Transfer In 2013, DNV-GL (formerly known as KEMA) provided technical support to ISO New England (ISO-NE) and New England transmission operators to facilitate adoption of the WECC Composite Load Model (CMPLDW) by (1) representing the diversity of end-use load types in seven New England regions during the summer peak and spring light load hour; and (2) applying the load component rules of association as required by the WECC CMPLDW. |
Characteristic Ellipsoid Method for Wide-Area Dynamic Monitoring The objective of this project was to continue development of a new and efficient on-line technology and demonstration tool for monitoring and express-analysis of dynamic processes in power systems using phasor measurements to increase situation awareness and wide area visibility of the US Interconnections for system operators. Expand the methodology by building decision tree analysis methodology and by providing decision support for power grid operators and offline event analysis. |
Makarov, Yuri |
CERTS Microgrid Test Bed Phase III Phase III of the CERTS Microgrid Test Bed Project involved the addition and integrated testing of four major new hardware elements:(1) a more flexible energy management system for dispatch; (2) a CERTS-compatible conventional synchronous generator; (3) intelligent load shedding; and (4) a commercially available, stand-alone electricity storage device with CERTS controls. |
Lasseter, Robert |
CERTS Microgrid Test Bed Phase II Phase II of the CERTS Microgrid Test Bed Project focused on prioritizing, developing and, as appropriate, demonstrating at bench-scale the needed additional technology enhancements required to further optimize the microgrid from the explicit perspective of enhancing the business case for microgrids. The microgrid technology enhancements that were studied included:
Lasseter, Robert |
CERTS Microgrid Test Bed Phase I The Consortium for Electric Reliability Technology Solutions (CERTS) Microgrid Laboratory Test Bed project's objective was to ease the integration of small energy sources into a microgrid. The project developed and demonstrated three advanced techniques, collectively referred to as the CERTS Microgrid concept, that significantly reduce the level of custom field engineering needed to operate microgrids consisting of small generating sources. The following three techniques comprise the CERTS Microgrid concept: |
Lasseter, Robert |
CERTS Grid of the Future In 1999, the Department of Energy tasked CERTS to prepare a series of white papers on federal RD&D needs to maintain or enhance the reliability of the U.S. electric power system under the emerging competitive electricity market structure. |
Eto, Joe |
Centerpoint Voltage Dip Events Power quality recorders were placed on ten distribution feeders of the Centerpoint system in 2011. 1381 events were observed in the summers of 2011 through 2013. Many of these events were small voltage changes and single-sample spikes that, while of interest for other purposes, do not relate to the FIDVR phenomenon. A selector based on a voltage-time profile was used to choose events that might be of interest. Of the 317 events that were selected: |
Undrill, John |
Candidate Frequency Events Monthly Reports Tool The NERC-CFER tool was researched, prototyped and developed for NERC and is part of its Frequency Response standard process. For each interconnection, using phasor and SCADA data, identifies and delivers every month candidate critical frequency events including for each event, its frequency profile and most significant performance parameters. From CFER’s monthly reports NERC reliability subcommittees select the set of events that each Balancing Authority (BA) must use to measure and report its yearly Frequency Response Obligation. |
Martinez, Carlos |
Business Model for Retail Aggregation of Responsive Load This research project is exploring a proposed change in market design (and a corresponding business model) aimed at mobilizing the available flexibility of certain loads through proper incentives, and an aggregation scheme which will provide flexible resources to mitigate the uncertainty of variable energy resources (VERs)—allowing VERs to internalize the cost of uncertainty by contracting with responsive load (DR). |
Oren, Shmuel |
Benchmarking and Integrating Chance-Constrained Stochastic Unit Commitment Solution for Optimal Management of Uncertainty This project is exploring approximate optimization methods to improve security-constrained unit commitment (SCUC) by: (a) developing robust scenario-reduction methods with assessment of impact optimality of the SCUC solution; (b) including contingencies in the SCUC formulation in addition to wind uncertainty; and (c) implementing the approximate-solution method for larger systems, while maintaining reasonable solution times. |
Anderson, Lindsay |
Baseline Studies and Analysis This project is also examining phase angles that are measured across the footprints of the same four ISOs in the Eastern Interconnection. It incorporates advanced statistical data processing techniques to identify trends in (or patterns involving) multiple phase angles, which are difficult to identify using standard analysis approaches. |
Amidan, Brett |
Automatic Reliability Reports (ARR) The FERC-NERC ARR tool was researched, prototyped and developed for FERC for automatically broadcast daily, monthly and yearly summary, or on-demand, reports on interconnections historical load-generation resource adequacy and control performance. ARR provides summaries of key reliability metrics, statistical analysis and trends. ARR also provides the starting point for understanding and analyzing reliability performance of each interconnection, identifies reliability performance trends that require corrective action, and facilitate evaluation for reliability standards adequacy. |
Martinez, Carlos Domínguez-García, Alejandro Sauer, Pete |
Attribute Preserving Optimal Network Reductions The goal of this project is the development of a unified method for generating power system network modeling equivalents with applications to traditional system analysis as well as optimization. |
Tylavsky, Dan |
Application of VARPRO to Ambient Mode Estimation Research into the application of a VARPRO-based approach to modal analysis of ambient data from the power grid may improve on existing methods to estimate system damping. This would increase situational awareness of potential system instabilities. Initial exploratory work has involved a first pass at recently acquired data, which shows promising results that warrant further investigation. Direct application of VARPRO curve-fitting provides excellent results compared to brake-test ringdown. |
Lesieutre, Bernie |
Air Conditioner Testing |
Agent-Based System Planning and Market Assessment This task was focused on the development of a next generation computation/simulation tool that may be of use to the emerging industry. A joint effort between Cornell, Sandia, and Carnegie Mellon University, this project involved agent design as well as software development and testing. |
Talukdar, Sarosh |
Adaptive Islanding Demonstration in the Western Electricity Coordinating Council This project developed an integrated algorithm to identify a cutset for a large power system for the application of a slow coherency based controlled islanding scheme. Controlled islanding is employed as a corrective measure of last resort to prevent cascading outages caused by large disturbances. The large scale power system is represented as a graph and a simplification algorithm is used to reduce the complexity of the system. |
Vittal, Vijay |