PI: Martinez, Carlos The NERC-CFER tool was researched, prototyped and developed for NERC and is part of its Frequency Response standard process. For each interconnection, using phasor and SCADA data, identifies and delivers every month candidate critical frequency events... |
PI: Etingov, Pavel This tool uses PMU measurements recorded during system disturbances to automate the calculation of power system frequency response. It has been developed to facilitate standardized analysis and reporting of frequency response following the requirements... |
PI: Martinez, Carlos Developing and improving geographic visualization prototypes being in the CERTS portfolio of wide-area monitoring tools for visualizing key reliability performance metrics. These visualization prototypes identified and defined the architecture and... |
PI: Martinez, Carlos The MISO-GPM tool was research, prototype and is being field tested at MISO. GPM estimates Grid’s voltage, stability, and thermal performance metrics using model-less algorithms and MISO grid phasor data within MISO phasor infrastructure. Grid... |
PI: Martinez, Carlos The NERC-IA real-time tool is an automatic, integrated process to identify abnormal interconnections load-generation unbalances, and broadcast intelligent alarm descriptions together, possible root-causes, and recommend preventive actions to... |
PI: Martinez, Carlos The NERC-RA real-time tool enables NERC Reliability Coordinators and Operations Management to monitor and track interconnections load-generations secondary control performance and compliance with related reliability standards. It also allows NERC staff... |