Distributed Energy Resource Microgrids


Martinez, Carlos A. "Real-Time Monitoring Tools and Multi-View Visualization for Wide-Area Operations." DistribuTECH Transmission Reliability Panel, San Diego, California 2005.


Barbose, Galen L, Charles A Goldman, and Bernard Neenan. A Survey of Utility Experience with Real Time Pricing. Berkeley: LBNL, 2004. LBNL-54238.
Bhowmik, Sudipto, Kevin Tomsovic, and Anjan Bose. "Communication Models for Third Party Load Frequency Control." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 19.1 (2004) 543-548.
Stevens, John. "Development of sources and a testbed for CERTS microgrid testing." 2004 IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting. Vol. 2. Denver, CO, USA: IEEE, 2004. 2032 - 2033.
Final Report on the August 14, 2003 Blackout in the United States and Canada: Causes and Recommendations. U.S.-Canada Power System Outage Task Force, 2004.
Oren, Shmuel S, and Ramteen Sioshansi. "Joint Energy and Reserves Auction with Opportunity Cost Payment for Reserves." Bulk Power System Dynamics and Control VI. Cortina D'Ampezzo, Italy, 2004. 6.
Cain, Mary B, and Fernando L Alvarado. "Metrics for Application of Revenue Sensitivity Analysis to Predict Market Power Coalitions in the Electricity Markets." North American Power Symposium (NAPS). Moscow, ID: IEEE, 2004. 8.
Lasseter, Robert H, and Paolo Piagi. "Microgrid: A Conceptual Solution." IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference 2004. IEEE, 2004. 6.
Wang, Xiaoming, and Vijay Vittal. "System Islanding Using Minimal Cutsets with Minimum Net Flow." Power Systems Conference and Exposition. IEEE, 2004. 6.
Marnay, Chris, and Owen C Bailey. "The CERTS Microgrid and the Future of the Macrogrid." ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings. Berkeley: LBNL, 2004. 14. LBNL-55281.
