Use of Modal Sensitivity to Operating Conditions for Damping Control in Power Systems

TitleUse of Modal Sensitivity to Operating Conditions for Damping Control in Power Systems
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsZhenyu Huang, Ning Zhou, Francis K Tuffner, Dan Trudnowski
Conference Name2011 44th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS)
Date Published01/2011
Conference LocationKauai, HI
ISBN Number978-1-4244-9618-1
KeywordsAA07-001, AARD, Automatic Switchable Network (ASN), damping, oscillations, power system control, Power system dynamics, Power system stability

Small signal stability is an inherent characteristic of dynamic systems such as power systems. Pole positioning through power system stabilizers (PSS) is often used for improving damping in power systems. A well-designed PSS can be very effective in damping oscillations, especially local oscillations. However, designing PSSs for inter-area oscillations has been a very challenging task due to time-varying operating conditions affecting the oscillations. This paper explores the sensitivity relationship between oscillations and operating conditions, and employs the relationship to derive recommendations for operator's actions to adjust operating conditions for improving damping. Low damping is usually considered to be a result of heavy power transfer in long distance, while specific locations also have significant impact on damping of oscillations. Therefore, it is important to consider locations in deriving recommendations. This paper proposes the concept of relative modal sensitivity and presents its application in deriving recommendations for operator's action in damping control.
