Teaching Measurement Fundamentals

TitleTeaching Measurement Fundamentals
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsH. Kirkham, M. Albu, M. Engels, G. Frigo, A. Hedayatipour, D. Laverty, A. von Meier, A. Riepnieks, D.R. White, Z-M Yang
Conference Name2018 IEEE 59th International Scientific Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering of Riga Technical University (RTUCON)
Date Published03/2019
Conference LocationRiga, Latvia

While it has always been true that measurements are made to guide decision-making, there is abundant evidence that not all measurement results are meaningful. We give examples of fully-functional, tested and trusted measurement systems producing nonsensical results. A common characteristic of such systems is they are designed without a clear understanding of the purpose or context of the measurements. To help ensure measurements are designed and used fit for the intended purpose, we propose that, in addition to the appropriate instrumentation, technology, and techniques, all engineering and science students be taught the basics of measurement theory and an overview of measurement infrastructure. We estimate that this can be accomplished in a single semester course. Essential and important elements of the syllabus are considered.
