Synchrophasor Measurements-based Events Detection Using Deep Learning

TitleSynchrophasor Measurements-based Events Detection Using Deep Learning
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsHuiying Ren, Z. Jason Hou, Heng Wang, Pavel Etingov
Conference Namee-Energy '20: The Eleventh ACM International Conference on Future Energy SystemsProceedings of the Eleventh ACM International Conference on Future Energy Systems
Date Published06/2020
Conference LocationVirtual Event AustraliaNew York, NY, USA
ISBN Number9781450380096

Deep learning algorithms have been developed for phasor measurement units (PMUs) analysis aiming at providing grid operators to observe and react to significant real-time changes in the grid associated with multiple factors (e.g., power generation and load variations, different type of faults, and equipment malfunction), or for offline post-event system diagnostics. In this study, a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)-based deep neural network (DNN) is adopted and evaluated to identify the most appropriate model configurations for event detection and longer-term anomalous pattern extraction. The proposed DNN model shows the potential on long-term predictions with the ability to capture nonlinear and nonstationary mixture complex patterns in PMU datasets. Real-world PMU in the WECC system were used for model development and validation.
