Supplier and Control Area Performance Monitoring System: Utilization of Grid-3P for Automatic Generation Control (AGC), Frequency Response Reserves (FRR) and Ancillary Services (AS) Regulation

TitleSupplier and Control Area Performance Monitoring System: Utilization of Grid-3P for Automatic Generation Control (AGC), Frequency Response Reserves (FRR) and Ancillary Services (AS) Regulation
Publication TypeReport
Year of Publication2003
AuthorsCarlos A Martinez, Jim Dyer, Mark Skowronski
Series TitleConsultant Report prepared for the California Energy Commission
Date Published10/2003
Keywordsancillary services, consortium for electric reliability technology solutions (certs), frequency response, Reliability Adequacy Tools, RTGRM

The Consortium for Electric Reliability Technology Solutions (CERTS) has been working with NERC, Regional Transmission Organizations, Independent System Operators, and other electric industry organizations to research, develop, and disseminate new methods, tools and technologies to protect and enhance the reliability of the U.S. electric power system under the emerging competitive electricity market structures. The monitoring system offers a base from which grid security and market efficiency can be improved to help protect the market from "gaming" and other forms of market manipulations. CERTS has developed the Grid Real-Time Performance Monitoring and Prediction Platform (Grid-3P) to manage grid reliability and monitor market performance in real time. The purpose of the Supplier and Control Area Performance Monitoring System is to provide real-time intelligence on grid operations that will enable operators to monitor performance of Suppliers to provide competitive services and respond to their performance in a predictable manner.