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"Evaluating the Net Benefits of Investing in New Wind and Transmission Capacity on a Network." 2009 42nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA: IEEE, 2009. 1 - 10.
. "A hierarchical framework for demand-side frequency control." 2014 American Control Conference (ACC). Portland, OR, USA: IEEE, 2014. 52 - 57.
. "An Engineering-Economic Approach to Transmission Planning Under Market and Regulatory Uncertainties: WECC Case Study." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 29.1 (2014) 307 - 317.
. "New bounding and decomposition approaches for MILP investment problems: Multi-area transmission and generation planning under policy constraints." European Journal of Operational Research 248.3 (2016) 888 - 898.
. "Approximations in power transmission planning: implications for the cost and performance of renewable portfolio standards." Journal of Regulatory Economics 43.3 (2013) 305 - 338.
. . "Efficient proactive transmission planning to accommodate renewables." 2012 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting. San Diego, CA: IEEE, 2012. 1 - 7.
. "Piecewise affine dispatch policies for economic dispatch under uncertainty." 2014 IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) General Meeting. National Harbor, MD, USA: IEEE, 2014. 1 - 5.
. "Mitigating risk of random resources within a two-settlement electricity market." 2013 IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) General Meeting. Vancouver, BC: IEEE, 2013. 1 - 5.
. "Financial storage rights: Definition and basic properties." 2014 North American Power Symposium (NAPS). Pullman, WA, USA: IEEE, 2014. 1 - 6.
. "A stochastic, contingency-based security-constrained optimal power flow for the procurement of energy and distributed reserve." Decision Support Systems 56 (2013).
. "Secure Planning and Operations of Systems With Stochastic Sources, Energy Storage, and Active Demand." IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 4.4 (2013) 2220 - 2229.
. "Mechanism design for self-reporting baselines in Demand Response." 2016 American Control Conference (ACC). Boston, MA, USA: IEEE, 2016. 1446 - 1451.
. "Aggregate flexibility of a collection of loads." 2013 IEEE 52nd Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). Firenze: IEEE, 2013. 5600 - 5607.
. "Duration-differentiated energy services with a continuum of loads." 2014 IEEE 53rd Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). Los Angeles, CA, USA: IEEE, 2014. 1714 - 1719.
. "A statistically robust payment sharing mechanism for an aggregate of renewable energy producers." 2013 European Control Conference. Zurich, Switzerland: IEEE, 2013.
. "Damping of inter-area oscillations using energy storage." 2013 IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) General Meeting. Vancouver, BC: IEEE, 2013. 1 - 5.
. "Structured Optimization for Parameter Selection of Frequency-Watt Grid Support Functions for Wide-Area Damping." International Journal of Distributed Energy Resources and Smart Grids 11.1 (2015) 69-94.
. How and Why Customers Respond to Electricity Price Variability: A Study of NYISO and NYSERDA 2002 PRL Program Performance. Berkeley: LBNL, 2003. LBNL-52209.
. A Technical Reference Paper Fault-Induced Delayed Voltage Recovery. Princeton, NJ: North American Electric Reliability Corporation, 2009.
. "Validation of the CERTS Microgrid Concept: The CEC/CERTS Microgrid Testbed." IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting. Montreal, Canada, 2006. 3. LBNL-60326.
. "Distributed Generation Interface to the CERTS Microgrid." IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 24.3 (2009) 1598 - 1608.
. "Oscillation modal analysis from ambient synchrophasor data using distributed frequency domain optimization." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 28.2 (2013) 1960 - 1968.
. "Two-Level Ambient Oscillation Modal Estimation From Synchrophasor Measurements." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems (2014) 1 - 10.
. "A New Scheme for Voltage Control in a Competitive Ancillary Service Market." Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC). Seville, Spain, 2002. 6.