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"Inter-Area Resonance in Power Systems From Forced Oscillations." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems (2015) 1 - 9.
. "Large-Scale Integration of Deferrable Demand and Renewable Energy Sources." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 29.1 (2014) 489 - 499.
. "Learning to Buy (and Sell) Demand Response." IFAC-PapersOnLine 50.1 (2017) 6761 - 6767.
. "Long-term benefits of online risk-based direct-current optimal power flow." Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability 226.1 (2012) 65 - 74.
. "MATPOWER: Steady-State Operations, Planning, and Analysis Tools for Power Systems Research and Education." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 26.1 (2011) 12 - 19.
. "Measurement-Based Estimation of Linear Sensitivity Distribution Factors and Applications." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 29.3 (2014) 1372 - 1382.
. "Measurement-Based Real-Time Security-Constrained Economic Dispatch." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems PP (2015) 1 - 13.
. "Methodology for Performing Synchrophasor Data Conditioning and Validation." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 30.3 (2015) 1121 - 1130.
. "An MIP Formulation for Joint Market-Clearing of Energy and Reserves Based on Ramp Scheduling." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 29.1 (2014) 476 - 488.
. "Modal Analysis of Ambient PMU Measurements Using Orthogonal Wavelet Bases." IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid (2015) 1 - 1.
. "Mode shape estimation algorithms under ambient conditions: A comparative review." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 28.2 (2013) 779 - 787.
. "Multifrontal Solver for Online Power System Time-Domain Simulation." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 23.4 (2008) 1727 - 1737.
. "Multi-scale analysis of wind power and load time series data." Renewable Energy 68.August 2014 (2014) 494-504. LBNL-1003916.
. "New bounding and decomposition approaches for MILP investment problems: Multi-area transmission and generation planning under policy constraints." European Journal of Operational Research 248.3 (2016) 888 - 898.
. "The New York Transmission Congestion Contract Market: Is It Truly Working Efficiently?." The Electricity Journal 16.9 (2003) 14-24. LBNL-53220.
. "Nodal probabilistic production cost simulation considering transmission system unavailabilty." IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 2.1 (2008) 32.
. "A Novel Bus-Aggregation-Based Structure-Preserving Power System Equivalent." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems (2014) 1 - 10.
. "Numerical methods for on-line power system load flow analysis." Energy Systems 1.3 (2010) 273 - 289.
. "A Numerical Solver Design for Extended-Term Time-Domain Simulation." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 28.4 (2013) 4926 - 4935.
. "On-line Calibration of Voltage Transformers Using Synchrophasor Measurements." IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery (2015) 1 - 1.
. "Optimal Generation Mix With Short-Term Demand Response and Wind Penetration." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 27.2 (2012) 830 - 839.
. "Optimal Pricing to Manage Electric Vehicles in Coupled Power and Transportation Networks." IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems (2016) 1 - 1.
. "Optimal selection of on-site power generation with combined heat and power applications." International Journal of Distributed Energy Resources 1.1 (2005) 33-62.
. "Optimal Technology Selection and Operation of Commercial- Building Microgrids." (2008) 10. LBNL-63215.
. "Optimal Technology Selection and Operation of Commercial-Building Microgrids." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 23.3 (2008) 975-982.