The real value of load flexibility — congestion free dispatch

TitleThe real value of load flexibility — congestion free dispatch
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsJonathan Mather, Enrique Baeyens, Kameshwar Poolla, Pravin Varaiya
Conference Name2015 American Control Conference (ACC)
Date Published07/2015
Conference LocationChicago, IL, USA
Keywordsreliability and markets, RM11-006

In this paper we present a new value proposition for load flexibility. This value is derived through enabling a congestion free dispatch, which brings economic benefits to the market participants (loads and generators), subject to certain conditions on the network. If participant classes are considered as collectives, then no class of participants is economically disadvantaged. We show that load flexibility increases the opportunity for congestion free dispatch. The economic implications of this new paradigm are studied using a simple two bus example.
