Performance characteristics of a hybrid CERTS microgrid electric vehicle charging station

TitlePerformance characteristics of a hybrid CERTS microgrid electric vehicle charging station
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsPhilip J Hart, Thomas M Jahns, Robert H Lasseter
Conference Name2014 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE)
Date Published09/2014
Conference LocationPittsburgh, PA, USA
Keywordsmicrogrids, PEVs

This paper investigates an electric vehicle (EV) charging station that uses a CERTS microgrid in a hybrid architecture that incorporates both ac and dc power buses. A dynamic model is developed that incorporates a CERTS ac microgrid and a parallel configuration of multiple electric vehicle batteries with droop-controlled dc/dc chargers that are connected to the dc bus of a single CERTS ac microsource. Components of the hybrid microgrid model are validated using a combination of experimental results and PLECS simulations. The small-signal stability of the dc bus dynamics is investigated. Simulations and experimental results are used to demonstrate that the hybrid CERTS microgrid can successfully accommodate diverse ac and dc load transients, including islanding and grid reconnection.
