A New Outage Coordination: SMaRTS Model

TitleA New Outage Coordination: SMaRTS Model
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsGokturk Poyrazoglu, HyungSeon Oh
Conference Name2016 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS)
Date Published01/2016
Conference LocationKoloa, HI, USA

The SMaRTS model, Scheduling Maintenance for Reliable Transmission Systems, is developed to schedule transmission line maintenance requests optimally and centrally at the central dispatcher (CD) level. The SMaRTS model promises up to 4% production cost savings by solely shifting the maintenance to an optimal time frame for the system. The model is developed to co-optimize generation unit commitment and transmission line outage coordination with N-1 reliability. The SMaRTS model is flexible enough to be converted to a security constrained unit commitment or to an optimal topology control problem, and its effectiveness is tested on a modified IEEE 30-bus system. The financial benefits of SMaRTS model are discussed in detail, and compared with those from Business-As-Usual (BU) model as adopted by the CDs.
