Load modeling in power system studies: WECC progress update

TitleLoad modeling in power system studies: WECC progress update
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Year of Publication2008
AuthorsDmitry Kosterev, Anatoliy Meklin, John Undrill, Bernard C Lesieutre, William Price, David Chassin, Richard J Bravo, Steve Yang
Date Published07/2008
ISBN Number978-1-4244-1905-0
Keywordscomposite load model, FIDVR, FIDVR Composite Load Model, load modeling, RTINA

This paper provides an update on a composite load model development in Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC). A composite load model structure is described. The two salient features of the new load model are: (a) the model recognizes electrical distance between the transmission bus and the end-uses and (b) the model represents the diversity in composition and dynamic characteristics of various electrical end-uses. The load model data includes (a) data for a distribution equivalent model, (b) load component model data and (c) load component fractions. The paper presents tests and modeling of various electrical end-uses. The paper in particular focuses on modeling compressor motors in single-phase air-conditioners. Load composition methodology is also discussed. The model structure was implemented and tested in a production-level grid simulator.

Short TitleLoad modeling in power system studies