Initial studies on actionable control for improving small signal stability in interconnected power systems

TitleInitial studies on actionable control for improving small signal stability in interconnected power systems
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2010
AuthorsFrancis K Tuffner, Zhenyu Huang, Ning Zhou, Ross T Guttromson, Avnaesh Jayantilal
Conference NameIEEE Power and Energy Society (PES) Transmission and Distribution Conference
Date Published04/2010
Conference LocationNew Orleans, LA, USA
ISBN Number978-1-4244-6546-0
KeywordsAA07-001, AARD, Automatic Switchable Network (ASN), Power system modeling

Power consumption and demand continues to grow around the world. As the electric power grid continues to be put under more stress, the conditions of instability are more likely to occur. One cause of such instabilities is intearea oscillations, such as the oscillation that resulted in the August 10, 1996 blackout of the WECC. This paper explores different potential operations of different devices on the power system to improve the damping of these interarea oscillations using two different simulation models.
