Improved battery models of an aggregation of Thermostatically Controlled Loads for frequency regulation

TitleImproved battery models of an aggregation of Thermostatically Controlled Loads for frequency regulation
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsBorhan M Sanandaji, He Hao, Kameshwar Poolla, Tyrone L Vincent
Conference Name2014 American Control Conference - ACC 2014
Date Published06/2014
Conference LocationPortland, OR, USA
ISBN Number978-1-4799-3272-6
KeywordsRM11-006, Thermostatically controlled loads

Recently it has been shown that an aggregation of Thermostatically Controlled Loads (TCLs) can be utilized to provide fast regulating reserve service for power grids and the behavior of the aggregation can be captured by a stochastic battery with dissipation. In this paper, we address two practical issues associated with the proposed battery model. First, we address clustering of a heterogeneous collection and show that by finding the optimal dissipation parameter for a given collection, one can divide these units into few clusters and improve the overall battery model. Second, we analytically characterize the impact of imposing a no-short-cycling requirement on TCLs as constraints on the ramping rate of the regulation signal. We support our theorems by providing simulation results.
