Impacts of Malicious Data on Real-Time Price of Electricity Market Operations

TitleImpacts of Malicious Data on Real-Time Price of Electricity Market Operations
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2012
AuthorsLiyan Jia, Robert J Thomas, Lang Tong
Conference Name2012 45th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS)
Date Published01/2012
Conference LocationMaui, HI, USA
ISBN Number978-1-4577-1925-7
Keywordselectricity markets, real-time pricing, reliability and markets, RM11-003, smart grid security

Impacts of malicious data data attack on the real-time electricity market are studied. It is assumed that an adversary has access to a limited number of meters and has the ability to construct data attack based on what it observes. Different observation models are considered. A geometric framework is introduced based on which upper and lower bounds on the optimal data attack are obtained and evaluated in simulations.
