The CERTS Microgrid Concept, as Demonstrated at the CERTS/AEP Microgrid Test Bed

TitleThe CERTS Microgrid Concept, as Demonstrated at the CERTS/AEP Microgrid Test Bed
Publication TypeReport
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsJoseph H Eto, Robert H Lasseter, David Klapp, Amrit S Khalsa, Ben Schenkman, Mahesh Illindala, Surya Baktiono
Date Published08/2018
Keywordsmicrogrid concept

The Consortium for Electric Reliability Technology Solutions (CERTS) has made major contributions to industry adoption of this microgrid definition through a pioneering microgrid demonstration at a full-scale test bed operated by American Electric Power (AEP), the largest electric utility in the Midwestern United States. This test bed demonstrated the CERTS Microgrid Concept, which comprises advanced microgrid control and integration techniques developed by CERTS. The test-bed demonstrations used both pre-commercial prototypes and commercial sources commissioned from industry-established vendors of distributed generation equipment.