Automatic Processes for Identifying Interconnections Frequency Events and Estimate Frequency Response

TitleAutomatic Processes for Identifying Interconnections Frequency Events and Estimate Frequency Response
Publication TypeSoftware
Year of Publication2010
AuthorsConsortium for Electr CERTS), Electric Power Grou EPG)
DescriptionFrequency Response Standard (NERC BAL-003-01)
KeywordsAARD, BAL-003-1, CERTS, reliability metrics and monitoring, RTGRM

There are two objectives for Phase-3 of the DOE-CERTS supported research on Frequency Response performance and reliability standards adequacy. The first Phase-3 objective is to investigate automatic methods to identify interconnections frequency events by extending and validating the approach recommended by Florida Region Representatives and using phasor 1-second frequency data. The second Phase-3 objective is to research a methodology to automatically estimate and validate the Frequency Response for the events identified within the first objective. This is accomplished by: using the Frequency Response Standard Drafting Team (FRSDT) definitions of frequency events for locations of points A, B and C; and the Balancing Authority (BA) with the highest ACE during frequency events or ACE for the contingent BA.