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"FIDVR Events Analysis, Part I." Proceedings of the IEEE PES General Meeting. Vancouver, BC, Canada: IEEE, 2013.
. Solar PV Inverter Test Procedures. Southern California Edison, 2013.
. . Residential Air Conditioner with VFD Test Procedures. Southern California Edison, 2013.
. "Fault Induced Delayed Voltage Recovery (FIDVR) indicators." 2014 IEEE/PES Transmission & Distribution Conference & Exposition (T&D)2014 IEEE PES T&D Conference and Exposition. Chicago, IL, USA: IEEE, 2014. 1 - 5.
. "FIDVR in Distribution Circuits." Proceedings of the IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting. Vancouver, BC, Canada: IEEE, 2013.
. Residential U.S. Solar PV Inverter with Advanced Features Test Report. Southern California Edison, 2013.
. . Residential Solar PV Inverter Test Report. Southern California Edison, 2013.
. Commercial 3-Phase Rooftop Air Conditioner Test Procedures. Southern California Edison, 2013.
. Load Modeling Transmission Research: Appendix F: Air Conditioner Stalling Solutions Summary Report. Berkeley, CA: CIEE, 2010.
. "Variability and the Locational Marginal Value of Energy Storage." 2014 IEEE 53rd Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). Los Angeles, CA, USA: IEEE, 2014. 3259 - 3265.
. "Smart Transmission Grid Applications and Their Supporting Infrastructure." IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 1.1 (2010) 11 - 19.
. "Incorporating residential AC load control into ancillary service markets: Measurement and settlement." Energy Policy 56 (2013) 175 - 185.
. Measuring Short-term Air Conditioner Demand Reductions for Operations and Settlement. Berkeley: LBNL, 2012. LBNL-5330E.
. "Deadline Differentiated Pricing of Deferrable Electric Loads." IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 8.1 (2017) 13 - 25.
. "Selling Random Wind." 2012 45th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Maui, HI, USA: IEEE, 2012. 1931 - 1937.
. "Communication Models for Third Party Load Frequency Control." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 19.1 (2004) 543-548.
. "Dynamic Performance Validation in the Western Power System." APEx 2000 . Kananaskis, Alberta, Canada, 2000. 8.
. "The New York Transmission Congestion Contract Market: Is It Truly Working Efficiently?." The Electricity Journal 16.9 (2003) 14-24. LBNL-53220.
. A Survey of Utility Experience with Real Time Pricing. Berkeley: LBNL, 2004. LBNL-54238.
. "Smart Generation and Transmission With Coherent, Real-Time Data." Proceedings of the IEEE 99.6 (2011) 928 - 951.
. Distributed Energy Resources in Practice: A Case Study Analysis and Validation of LBNL’s Customer Adoption Model. Berkeley: LBNL, 2003. LBNL-52753.
. "Modeling the uncertainties in renewable generation and smart grid loads for the study of the grid vulnerability." 2016 IEEE Power & Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference (ISGT). Minneapolis, MN, USA: IEEE, 2016. 1 - 5.
. "Reducing the Variability of Wind Power Generation for Participation in Day Ahead Electricity Markets." 2008 The 41st Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Waikoloa, HI, USA: IEEE, 2008. 178 - 178.