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Decoupled Modulation Control. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, 2016.
. "The Economic Effects of Interregional Trading of Renewable Energy Certificates in the U.S. WECC." The Energy Journal 37.4 (2016).
. "An Economic Evaluation Tool of Inertia Services for Systems with Integrated Wind Power and Fast-Acting Storage Resources." 2016 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Koloa, HI, USA: IEEE, 2016. 2456 - 2465.
. "The economic value of transmission lines and the implications for planning models." Energy Economics 57 (2016) 1 - 15.
. Economics of High Voltage dc Networks. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, 2016.
. "The Engineering, Economic and Environmental Electricity Simulation Tool (E4ST): Description and an Illustration of Its Capability and Use as a Planning/Policy Analysis Tool." 2016 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Koloa, HI, USA: IEEE, 2016. 2317 - 2325.
. "Error correction: A proposal for a standard." 2016 Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements (CPEM 2016). Ottawa, ON, Canada: IEEE, 2016. 1 - 2.
. "Evaluation of Control Methods to Prevent Collapse of a Mixed Source Microgrid." IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 52.6 (2016). LBNL-1006118.
. "Evaluation of control methods to prevent prime-mover stalling in a mixed source microgrid." IEEE Industrial & Commercial Power Systems Technical Conference. IEEE, 2016. LBNL-1006117.
. "Experimental Demonstration of Frequency Regulation by Commercial Buildings – Part I: Modeling and Hierarchical Control Design." IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid (2016) 1 - 1.
. "Experimental Demonstration of Frequency Regulation by Commercial Buildings – Part II: Results and Performance Evaluation." IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid (2016) 1 - 1.
. "Firming renewable power with demand response: an end-to-end aggregator business model." Journal of Regulatory Economics 50.1 (2016) 1 - 37.
. "Flexible Wind Dispatch, System Reliability and EPA's Clean Power Plan." 2016 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Koloa, HI, USA: IEEE, 2016. 2408 - 2417.
. Forced Oscillation Detection and Analysis with the DISAT Application. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, 2016.
. "Generation Ramping Valuation in Day-Ahead Electricity Markets." 2016 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Koloa, HI, USA: IEEE, 2016. 2335 - 2344.
. "Hierarchical decentralized control strategy for demand-side primary frequency response." 2016 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM). Boston, MA, USA: IEEE, 2016. 1 - 5.
. "A hierarchy of polyhedral approximations of robust semidefinite programs." 2016 IEEE 55th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). Las Vegas, NV, USA: IEEE, 2016. 7056 - 7062.
. "Identification of Virtual Battery Models for Flexible Loads." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems (2016) 1 - 10.
. "On the Impact of Measurement Errors on Power System Automatic Generation Control." IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid (2016) 1 - 1.
. "The impacts of electric power market simulation on engineering education." 2016 IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition (T&D). Dallas, TX, USA: IEEE, 2016. 1 - 5.
. "Improved Synthetic Power Grid Modeling with Correlated Bus Type Assignments." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems (2016) 1 - 1.
. "Integrating customer interruption costs into outage management systems." IEEE Transmission and Distribution Conference. IEEE, 2016. LBNL-1006116.
. "The measurand: The problem of frequency." 2016 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC). Taipei, Taiwan: IEEE, 2016. 1 - 5.
. "Mechanism design for self-reporting baselines in Demand Response." 2016 American Control Conference (ACC). Boston, MA, USA: IEEE, 2016. 1446 - 1451.
. "Model and data analysis of two-settlement electricity market with virtual bidding." 2016 IEEE 55th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). Las Vegas, NV, USA: IEEE, 2016. 6645 - 6650.