Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System SciencesVoltage Control Performance Evaluation Using Synchrophasor Data

TitleProceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System SciencesVoltage Control Performance Evaluation Using Synchrophasor Data
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsChristoph Lackner, Joe Chow, Felipe Wilches-Bernal, Atena Darvishi
Tertiary AuthorsTung Bui
Conference NameProceedings of the 53rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
Date Published01/2020
PublisherHawaii International Conference on System Sciences

With increasing availability of synchrophasor technology, enabled by phasor measurement units (PMUs), applications based on this technology are being implemented as a practical approach for power systems monitoring and control. While synchrophasor data provides significant advantages over SCADA data it has limitations, especially in the area of model validation and estimation. With the increasing complexity of the power system, the need for equipment monitoring and performance evaluation becomes more relevant, traditionally model validation and estimation process can be used to look at control equipment performance. However, due to the challenges associated with these processes there are limitations on the performance evaluation. This work introduces am improved signal-processing based algorithm to monitor control system performance during disturbance events in the power system and during ambient conditions, or normal power system operation, additionally the algorithm is demonstrated on data obtained from the interconnection point of a STATCOM device and a synchronous generator during ambient and disturbance operation.
