A New Scheme for Voltage Control in a Competitive Ancillary Service Market

TitleA New Scheme for Voltage Control in a Competitive Ancillary Service Market
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2002
AuthorsEmilia Nobile, Anjan Bose
Conference NamePower Systems Computation Conference (PSCC)
Date Published06/2002
Conference LocationSeville, Spain
KeywordsAARD, advanced measurements and control, ancillary services, CERTS

This paper shows how a competitive ancillary service market for voltage control/reactive power might operate and what it might look like, given the eminently local nature of the service. An automatic voltage control would dynamically manage the reactive power available in a certain geographic region and a local market in reactive power could then be developed similarly to that proposed for the load-following ancillary service. Coordination among these regions would be required.


The 2002 Proceedings of the Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC) are not available online.
