The Controllability of Real Things: Planning for Wind Integration

TitleThe Controllability of Real Things: Planning for Wind Integration
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsWooyoung Jeon, Alberto J Lamadrid, Jung Youn Mo, Timothy D Mount
JournalThe Electricity Journal
Pagination19 - 28
Date Published01/2015
KeywordsCERTS, reliability and markets, renewables integration, RM07-002, wind power

The authors employed a novel optimization framework coupled with an econometric model of wind to study market performance. One conclusion: in circumstances with high uncertainty in the market – as with high penetration of renewables – relying more on a real-time market, similar to the National Electricity Market in Australia, may be a better way to deal with this uncertainty because it uses updated and more accurate information about the wind variability.

Short TitleThe Electricity Journal