On the nonlinearity effects on malicious data attack on power system

TitleOn the nonlinearity effects on malicious data attack on power system
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2012
AuthorsLiyan Jia, Robert J Thomas, Lang Tong
Conference Name2012 IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) General Meeting
Date Published07/2012
Conference LocationSan Diego, CA
ISBN Number978-1-4673-2727-5
Keywordsreliability and markets, RM11-003

There has been a growing literature on the malicious data attack (or data injection attack) on power systems. Most existing work focuses on the DC (linear) model with linear state estimators. This paper examines the effects of nonlinearity in the power systems on the effectiveness of malicious data attack on state estimation and real-time market. It is demonstrated that attack algorithms designed for the DC model may not be effective when they are applied to nonlinear system with nonlinear state estimators. Discussion and experiments results about nonlinearity are provided.
